dthemic wrote: Congrats on the choice of a Skorpion. I'm sure you will be "entertained" by the experience. If this is your first bike I highly recommend a MSF course and some experience before you ride the L.A. freeways. 'Nuff said.
I've passed the MSF and got my license. I've also been reading
Proficient Motorcycling in my spare time, which should help. I hope.
Regardless, it'll be a few months of practice before I'm anywhere near ready to tackle the superslab down to L.A. For one thing, that much time in the saddle without training up to it... not good. (My uncle owns a cattle ranch, and I've done 6 hours on a horse without having ridden for two years, followed by two days of sheer pain. Don't really need that on a bike.
I was hoping you'd been the one to install the windshield and luggage, but after looking at the vendor site, everything should fit well enough. Let me give it some thought (and get the actual bike in my hands, since it would be embarassing for something to go wrong and leave me with a perfectly nice set of saddle bags, with no bike to fit them to), and we'll talk price.