Hello, all. I picked up a 2002 leftover a couple of weeks ago and have been delighted with the ride, terrified by the ownership experience.
It is great fun proving again that there is more than one way to skin a canyon. I've ridden a Ninja 250 and a Triumph Speed Four over the last couple of years, and they both get the job done, if in decidedly different ways. Now comes Baggy, and I find you can also scratch a peg sitting way up high and in military posture, using only one cylinder. No more jockey crouch! No more revving to 7k to get it out of a corner. It's also a great city bike, and I've appointed it my commuter for the forseeable future.
Now the scary part...
Dealers are a long slog away, and I work when they're open, so a broke bike may stay broke for while.
A lot of the intelligence on the bikes is in German. East German! I'm feeling like a cold war spook reading some of this stuff. Is there an English-language shop manual?
Some of these fasteners you can't replace at Home Depot. What do you call those seat bolts anyway? I've just got this apprehensive feeling that parts are hard to find and slow to arrive.
That's about it. Happy to be here. I'm going to post an inquiry in the tech section next re a gusher of gas being pumped into the airbox when I press the starter. Seems to be coming from the crankcase.