bored weather is rubbish

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bored weather is rubbish

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:47 pm


In the process of doing some work on my Baghora. Removed front brake lever today wet and dried it down to aluminium to get rid of black paint. flattened the ball end of lever by filing it. Drilled hole through ball to lighten lever and give it a new look. also flattening the adjuster grub screw part replacing grub screw with stainless A4 item and A4 nut. may drill some more holes in lever to lighten and trick it up. Was going to mirror polish it but quite like the look of 600 wet and dry sanded really smooth look, and easier to keep tidy polishing is a pain.

I Gonna ask one of my mates to make me some stainless dog bones also would like some stainless front engine mounts. I did paint my Engine mounts last year but will be geting some stailnless items instead.

Anyone seen a nice rear fender splash guard i.e. the ktm item that protects the rear shock would be great if ktm did a carbon item ?

Bike weight Anyone actually weighed their bike mine is starting to look fairly lightweight ?

I want everything on my bike to be there for a purpose. I like to see a bike engineered well, I hate naked plastic would prefer to see some nice engineered stanless or aluminium.

Chain guard needs to be taken off and stainleess one made

How do I go about Weighing My Bike ?

Take care all

Keep on posting

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Re: bored weather is rubbish

Postby rodge70 » Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:59 am

don't take this the wrong way :lol: visit local scrap dealers as my local one has a weighbridge,weigh you and the bike,then bike only,kill 2 birds with one and your good self :idea: .off for 1st sevice wed,forcast sunshine and wintery showers :roll:
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Re: bored weather is rubbish

Postby RiverDrive » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:15 am

If you want to lose weight no not add stainless. It's about 2x the weight of milled steel.
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Re: bored weather is rubbish

Postby handsomejackuk » Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:16 pm


god i'm bored..

Polished my brake lever today ....... fitted stainless steel adjuster (Grub screw) and lock nut. reassembled and greased.

Polished top of my front master cylinder the bit that says grimeca and all the writing yukky black rough cast paint !!!!!!!!!!! wet and dried to 1200 grit and polished looks real nice :lol: always hated that

polished my motrax bar ends took off the dreaded name..... need some nice grips now.. what I would like to do is get adjustable span brake levers does anyone know any other levers that fit the standard grimeca brake assembly... OR

was looking at removing the brake light switch and replacing with hydraulic type switch as same as rear brake and fitting an adjuster to the hole that the brake light switch sat in.... Hmmmmmmmmm........

front brake hose is seriously rotten so will have to clean up or get some stainless ends crimped on.........

Any suggestions as to get some nice mirrors ? I know of some suzuki items available at £12 each only want one... or would like some trick bar end ones similar to Rizoma but they are serious money....

See you back to polishing........

I look like the tin man covered in grey ali dust...... :-D
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