Walter Kaaden

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Walter Kaaden

Postby Jim Lyon » Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:54 am

Some years ago (3-5?), I came across a fragmentary reference to a book that was, in effect, a detailed interview of Walter Kaaden,. I believe that originally it was in German (& not being able to read German saw no point in keeping the details), but much later heard there was an English version. But that time round, there were insufficient details of it & by then, I'd lost the author's details from the first time! So, I was never able to chase it down.
Since then, I have seen references on the internet to the Redline published book "MZ" by Mick Walker, but am unsure as to whether this is the one I'm after (as in I'm particularly keen on learning as much about WK as possible, particularly if it includes a direct interview of him).
Can any of you guys clear me up on this & point me in the right direction? - TIA!

Jim Lyon
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Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:31 am

Re: Walter Kaaden

Postby old paul » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:43 am

Mick Walker has published a book on just about every motorcycle ever built I think. I've been through many of them and do not recall ever seeing an interview included. Must say though, that I've not seen his MZ book.
Motorcycling used to be my second favorite thing, but now that I've become an old man, it's moved up a notch.
old paul
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Re: Walter Kaaden

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:30 pm

As a young man in the early 60's I enjoyed following the ISDT.
My little brother has an ISDT Penton, I guess to say that those years struck a cord for us.
If you do a google search on Walter Kaaden you'll find plenty of reading and as old Paul commented Mick walkers name will come up.
A search of won't likely produce anything on Walter Kaaden, it will produce two books that I know of by Mick Walker.
The more obvious about MZ's and the other "Mick Walker's German Racing Motorcycles".
My memory, too many cobwebs... however the google search like previously stated will likely give you plenty of reading.
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