Metzeler Racetec K1's

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Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby AtomicSpew » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:12 am

Anybody on Metzler Racetec K1's? I've got a guy who has an extra set he's looking to sell. I've always been on Avon Distanzas (rear) and Pro Extreme Rain (front) on the Baggy, but I'm thinking of going more sticky street than dual-purpose these days. Thoughts? I'm sure there are plenty of tire threads, but what the hell--what are you riding on, and would you buy them again?
Chime in!
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby handsomejackuk » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:43 am

contisport sm

is a good handling street tyre had mine on about 1000 miles starting to show a bit of wear, but worth it if you enjoy good handling. not to sure about wet weather performance as i dont use my bike in wet. these are a supermoto tyre...
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby MSW » Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:47 pm

handsomejackuk wrote:contisport sm

is a good handling street tyre had mine on about 1000 miles starting to show a bit of wear, but worth it if you enjoy good handling. not to sure about wet weather performance as i dont use my bike in wet. these are a supermoto tyre...

I have ContiSportAttacks as well, and I have to agree. Great handling (once you warm them up!), and they wear for-freakin-ever. Seriously. I'm TRYING to wear them out so I can go to a more D/S oriented tire (I'm thinking Distanzia SMs). Sheesh. I've got about 11.5K km on them, and I'm just now getting to the wear bars on the back.

They do tend to slide around a bit in the wet weather (and when they're cold), but I don't try any funny stuff when it's wet anyway. Strictly by the book.
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby AtomicSpew » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:42 pm

MSW wrote: I don't try any funny stuff when it's wet anyway. Strictly by the book., yeah....ahem, ANYway.... I love my Distanzia's. I had them on my VStrom as well--they're a great D/S tire, but I would seriously put the Pro-Extreme Rain tire on the front if you're doing any decent amount of dirt riding--the rain tread pattern is excellent in the dirt. Also worth noting, I go through rear Distanzia's like nobody's business (almost 3-to-1, rear's to front's), but I also ride pretty aggressively, and tend to go with a little less psi in the rear due to living off dirt roads and riding a fair amount off road on the Baggy beyond that (still looking for a dirt conversion kit, if anybody is ready to let go of theirs yet). Distanzia's don't have the best wet traction, either, but if you really aren't pushing it in the rain, you should be OK. The Strom is such a top-heavy pig, I was always a nervous-nelly in the rain on that bike.

My wife's not really riding anymore with the new little one at home, so I've taken over her XT225 and am using that now for the majority of my dirt stuff, which is why I'm thinking of going pretty sticky-street-tread on the Baggy...(if anybody was curious)
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby AtomicSpew » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:51 pm

Check out Kieth's bike pics in the Headlight thread he just posted up--looks like he's running my tire set-up (Distanzia rear, Pro Extreme Rain, front)... He's a great resource and can give you some good feedback on those tires as well...
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:18 pm

I've had good luck with Bridgestone's sport touring and sport tires in the past. Good wet grip, pretty even wear, decent life. I'm running Pirelli Scorpion Syncs right now. The last rear wore to the cords at 3600 miles, but they had great wet grip. Not the stickiest tires ever, but their profiles were nice for all but the most aggressive stuff. And it's not that they weren't sticky, but the change was noticeable coming from the Bridgestone BT014. I've been wanting to try out the BT090. Anyone tried that yet?
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby MSW » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:57 pm


I don't want to start the dreaded tire thread (and I know this question is directly opposite to your original post, because you're getting rid of them), but do you mind if I ask why you prefer the Pro Extreme Rain on the front over the Distanzia SM? I can't imagine that the Pro Extreme Rain lasts any longer than the Distanzia SM, although I have heard from an Avon tire rep (or I guess I should say "tyre rep") that the Distanzia SM did have a softer compound than the regular Distanzia, so maybe the Rain does last longer. I don't really know for sure whether the SM is softer than the regular, though.

Anyway. Just curious.
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby AtomicSpew » Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:27 pm

Hey man-
All info is potentially good info as far as I'm concerned, and I've benefited enough from these boards that I'm always willing to post up my thoughts, regardless of if they're a "repost", redundant or irrelevant! How's that for some alliteration?!

Anyway, your instincts and info are correct--the SM specific Distanzia's are softer than standard Distanzia's, AND the Pro Extreme rain tire is also quite soft, though I don't know how much so relative to the SM Distanzia. I have to fess up and admit that I thought of that after I finished the post and made the mental note to go back in and comment to that effect. I've never had anything but the rain tire on my Baggy. I had a standard set of Distanzias on the VStrom (I've since sold the bike), which probably contributed to my feeling like they were a tad squirrly in the rain--a hard dual sport tire combined with a top-heavy bike makes Flip a nervous man in the rain.

Let me also reiterate my fondness for Avon in general and specifically the Distanzia SM's and Pro Extreme Rain "tyres." I have a couple things going that are making me think of a switch--1) I'm thinking about doing a track day at Buttonwillow and possibly Laguna Seca on the Baggy (Redshift), and my rear tire may or may not pass the tread test by the time we get to track day. It's already stepping out on me under hard exit-acceleration in the tight twisties. Also, if I AM going to be on 100% pavement for said track day(s), I think the Metzler's would be a scream, realizing that they might only last through those two days! 2) I'm generally coming up in need of a new rear (the front will last through another rear's life cycle), and if I'm going to make a change, now's the time. And again, I'm veering away from all the dirt riding I've been doing on the bike--the Baggy was beautiful when I first got it, and it's been off road so much (and of course down a couple times, not to mention my date with the tree), that I'm tired of kicking it's ass. It's time to take it out on the XT225 or pick up an XR400 for my dirt stuff...

Hope this helps...
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby keithcross » Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:05 pm

I have tried the following combinations of tyres on my Baghira Street Moto and give my personal opnion on each

Perelli MT60, OE tyres. OK I suppose but not as good as Avon combinations in the wet or dry.
Avon Distaza front and rear. Rear felt real good, but front tried to tuck under a bit on the lanes I use. This was so unsettling I took the front off and fitted a rain to the front.
Avon Rain front and rear. Wow, what a combination, excellent grip wet and dry (the rear got a bit squirrelly in the dry though). I suspect the rain is a bit soft for the rear on normal dry roads.
Avon Distanza rear/rain front. Good handling characteristics in all weathers. The rear did slid about a little in teh wet, but this combination was still the best to date
Avon Storm rear/rain front. I currently have this combination on my wheels used for commuting. I have found that the storm is OK in the dry once warmed up a bit (1-3 miles so not to bad) and a bit more skittish in the wet than the distanza, but still OK for a commuting tyre (this combination is shown on the headlight thread).

Maxis goldspeed cut slick front and rear. - Good grip in the dry, but made the front end a bit to `quick' for my liking. Haven t tried in the wet for obvious reasons
Maxis goldspeed cut slick rear/avon rain front. Good dry grip and handling characteristics. The rear don't really like the wet but is OK if the roads are just a little damp.
Wear rates
Rain front - 5-7000 miles depending on use of front brake :)
Rain rear - Mostly dry use, 958 commuting miles :shock:
Distanza rear - 3-3500 miles
Distanza front - took off after 3000 miles about half worn
Storm rear - 4500-5000 miles
Maxxis cut slick front. Only covered about 100 so no idea yet.
Maxxis cut slick rear. Only covered about 400 miles so far, but it is over half worn :shock: Look here for pictures of cut slicks ... Cut+Slicks
Perelli MT60 rear - 3000 miles
Perelli front - 5000 miles
One word of advice n Distanza rear tyres, I had some problems some of the batches from early last year. The joint in the tyre tread started to come undone (ie the tyre tread started to peel off) This has, I am told been cured now. Also if you select the 150 section Distanza rear, make sure you get the SM version. There is a normal version with a lot harder rubber and apparently they don't grip to well on tarmac.
Just my opinions, but might help someone.

Last edited by keithcross on Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby AtomicSpew » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:36 pm

:) Wow!
I told you Keith was a wealth of information! Thanks for the round-up, KC!

If you compare my comments with his, you'll see we're very much on the same page with the 'Stanzi's and the standard versions being pretty damn hard. His wear experiences on the Avon's are near identical to mine: 1st rear Distanzia SM was replaced at 2800 miles (freakin-hella-short life, but I was way aggressive on it and probably could have easily eeked another 500 miles from it no problemo), 2nd Distanzia SM rear has about 3200 on it and as I said previously, she's gettin close. Pro Rain has that combination of miles on it (6K for the math challenged), and is hanging in there OK. Probably because the latter half of those miles has been mostly dirt, which means pretty light on the front brake... I agree with KC that the Distanzia rear/Rain front is a great combo, though I really haven't tried anything else! :)

ps--I didn't have the troubles KC referred to with the Stanzi rear's, but I believe he's in the UK and our shipments here in the states were very likely from a totally different batch.
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Re: Metzeler Racetec K1's

Postby MSW » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:04 pm

Come on! Who ever heard of a tire thread where everyone agrees?!?!? If every time someone asks a question on this board, they get thoughtful, intelligent, practical advice that represents the consensus of the board, what will become of internet discussion???

Where are the insults? Where is the name-calling? Where are the accusations that one person's preference for one tire over another amounts to a rejection of God and Country?!?!?

I can't believe you have the cajones to call this a tire thread. What's next? Everyone agrees on the best oil to run in their bike?

:lol: :P :lol:
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