ETZ Fork mod

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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ETZ Fork mod

Postby christoff » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:29 pm

Hi ! just rode my long term etz project for the first time today and the front forks feel terrible so im going to change the oil , ive heard of a (uk)mod to the forks of inserting x2 2p pieces under each spring to preload the forks, has anyone on here tried it and does it make much difference? cheers
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Re: ETZ Fork mod

Postby manumensa » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:29 pm

Hello Christoff!

If the ETZ was long years parking fork oil like "batido de chocolate" :lol: first remove and clean well lower leg, stanchion,...change the oil fork seal...reassembly with new fork oil and fell again.

Mmmm ...fork oil capacity , oil SAE and preload can be particular setting...your weight, drive style...

For example:

- Fork oil SAE 10.

- Maximun fork oil capacity: 250cc (8.79 fl oz)

- Cheap soft preload can be inner piece ballberarings broken.

Best regards, Manuel.

PD. Sorry for my "bizarre" inglish :lol: :lol:
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Re: ETZ Fork mod

Postby Anna » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:20 am

Hi Christoff.

Way back when, in our student days of having knackered old bikes and no money to maintain them (what's changed?), I saw the 2p trick used many times. It's not the "best" answer, but it seemed to make a difference to soggy fork syndrome.

I'd definitely go with new fork oil and seals first though, and while it's all apart check the nominal fork spring lengths (sorry, I can't tell you what these are - I don't have a manual handy here), with any luck a Haynes should have that info. If they've squished beyond the minimum length the 2p trick will help (for a while - maybe quite a long while) but ultimately you'll be looking for new springs as the metal has lost its springyness. At least it's a bodge that isn't likely to strand you anywhere suddenly, you'll just gradually get back to the soggy feeling you have now.
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Re: ETZ Fork mod

Postby manumensa » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:08 pm


Way back when, in our student days of having knackered old bikes and no money to maintain them (what's changed?),
Nothing, money but I am twenty years older :D

I agree with you, fork spring standart are very cheap, I sold spare part MZ.

Anna, un saludo, Manuel.
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Re: ETZ Fork mod

Postby christoff » Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:16 pm

Ha ha my english is not the best and i live here :D , thanks for the help people i will try seals and oil see if it makes much difference, then again my everyday bike is a gsxr600 and the mz is a bit of fun (so far total cost £87!) maybe i should take some time to adjust to the "intresting" handling
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Re: ETZ Fork mod

Postby tufty1066 » Fri May 02, 2008 1:33 pm

:D hi christoff, i have heard of the two pence trick,from what i remember on the forum it does work well,i seem to remember looking at it on the mz(yahoo)forum,may be worth a look mate,cheers,tufty.
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Re: ETZ Fork mod

Postby TomG » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:30 am

Yeah, it works well. A friend did it to my ETZ125. Do change the fork oil too, though. Also helps a lot.
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