hello all
read the comments above and cry
and see why i try to buy a very simple bike and do all
my own work
i ride too many miles too fast
to have some one else screw up and make me fall off
check your own work then go rest or do some thing else
come back later and recheck it all
get smart do things that prevent screw ups
like at oil change warm up bike
then lay the keys on seat. then bungiecord a cardboard
box on the seat over top of keys place new quarts of oil
in box in cans of course this way you dont start it without oil
as the key are hard to get
unless you have used the oil
and if you haven't started one with NO OIL
just wait you will some day!!
dont drink and work on your bike
thats as bad as drinking and riding it
if you pick up a new bike haul it home
and check every thing
the rt125 i have the battery needed water i missed it and
i think thats why the voltage regulator blew at 19 miles
the saxon tour i just bought had a tire on the front that was too big
and was it a nasty handler
some bikes set on dealers show room floors for a long time
and should be checked very well
by YOU befor you ride them
the title for the saxon tour said it was new 02/28/2001
so that one set at least 5 years maybe longer
i think a dealer put new tires on it that were the wrong size
because the ori tires were bad
the fellow i bought it from said the tires were on it when he bought it new
now has a 300x18 and its not scary to ride 110/90x18 was way toooo BIG
its screw ups like this that make riders fall off
check axel and wheel nut installation both front and rear
if wheel was installed at dealer
it may very well may get a bad bearing if some one tightened axel up
to 10,000 ft/lb with out checking setup notes for proper spec.