Traveller Gas Tank

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Traveller Gas Tank

Postby nhstocker » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:41 pm

I just had my 2001 TRaveller repainted and have a question. When I removed the Gas tank (had to remove the 4 bolts as someone must have stripped the 2 bolts) there were 2 rubber spacers under the tank. Problem is I do not know where they were supposed to go. They fell out when I lifted out the tank. Anyone provide any help. I put it back without them as I couldn't determine where they made sense. Are they necessary. Thanks for any help you can provide....
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Re: Traveller Gas Tank

Postby old paul » Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:30 am

There were four spacers under mine. About an inch wide and maybe two long. They were just glued onto the frame, but fell out when I lifted the tank. Look closely at the tubing of the frame and you may be able to see the witness marks where they were.
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Re: Traveller Gas Tank

Postby aah5 » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:26 pm

Those 2 bolts in the tank can be fixed easily. The captive nuts are cast in the tank when moulded. I repaired mine by drilling a small hole (2.5mm) down and just into the nut from underneath and screwing in a small self tapping screw which then held the nut and enabled me to remove the bolts.
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