Testing water .... CZ problems

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Testing water .... CZ problems

Postby czstig » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:41 pm

Sorry to post about CZ's on an MZ forum, but my CZ (125 single) is driving me nuts. Quick run down of work completed so far ... New points and condensor, ignition timing spot on and all ignition connections soldered up, even the spade connections. Battery is in fine fettle. Carb ... stripped and cleaned about a million times, jets clear, slide free, float valve behaving properly, float not holed or leaking, tank flushed and fresh fuel. Obvious things like the plug and HT are good, and I have a cracking spark. I actually went for a ride on it yesterday evening and it ran perfectly. This morning nothing. The choke plunger seal has chewed itself to pieces, and I noticed the carb upper body was flooding today. I've sorted this tonight but still no joy. I found an expert in Amal carbs in Surrey (very good) and he suggested the crank case may be swimming in fuel due to the choke being jammed on all day today. I must have kicked it over about 200 times! It will start, but stops after about 30 seconds, and the plug is wet through with fuel. The engine has 3500 miles (genuine) so I am just hoping it isn't the crankseals. This is my first 2 stroke, and I'm really a newbie. Any thoughts and advice is very much appreciated.

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Re: Testing water .... CZ problems

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:02 pm

tank pet cock flowing fuel but very slow ??? kink in fuel line ???
remove carb and use some thing to spray a bit of fuel into intake and see if it fires
and runs a bit
then recheck the carb and compression and a bit hotter plug if it then runs
try ori plug i do not know if they still make lodge or klg plugs i used to use them
in my Yamaha 2smoker and they worked great 1966
and new good plugs have been known to go dead when they warm up

and as i tell all my 2 smoker buddies "ROTS OF RUCK"

check out http://www.mz-b.de for electrical upgrades for your CZ
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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"I like the road less traveled if it's PAVED!"
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Re: Testing water .... CZ problems

Postby czstig » Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:41 pm

Thanks for the link. There is fuel getting through as the float bowl fills quickly, and the valve shuts off at the correct height. I'll get ANOTHER new plug tomorrow which is a tad hotter. Cheers Dave.

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Re: Testing water .... CZ problems

Postby boilermaker » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:12 am

Is your machine fitted with a crankcase drain plug? If it is then you can drain off all the condensed fuel/oil that is causing some of this problem.
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