MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

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MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:09 am

Hi ,,Just bought my bike yesterday
wondering if there is a sevice schedule i can look at on this forum ??

Right now would like to know oil capacity and type for the engine/transmission

I tried to top it up earlier (undid screw by gear lever,,topped up till it ran out ,,is this correct ??)

The oil came out like a milky grey / white substance ,, :roll: :twisted:

Would this mean water has contaminated it ?? how would that happen ??

Anyway ,,Thanks in advance for any answers

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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:13 pm

The oil came out like a milky grey / white substance ,,

time to find the drain plug and flush it out you have water .....
just setting around for years will do this in a humid area
most German bikes the practice is bike level .... oil to bottom of plug threads its full
if its a 2 smoker no oil in engine its added to gas as a mix or placed in a auto lube system tank

exception is 5speed in 1974 r90s bmw lay on side and do 1 full usa quart
they did the fill hole too low on the side of the trans on the one i had
but i found a bunch of funny stuff on mine over the years
like the seal on the shifter shaft was for a 4 speed box if you ordered one for a 5 speed it did not fit
but there were 5 speeds inside ....i think i had been sold one that was supposed to stay at the factory
took it apart to do the points and it had a boyer pointless system in it
very strange bike as i took it out of the crate at the dealers myself
the timing chain had a master link ????
like i said very strange bike
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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:27 pm

Hi Dave


Oil pump removed ,,use pre mix now

It seems its leaking from the bodged removal and capping off of the oil pump ??

Erm Transmission oil then ,,is what i need the quantity and grade of then

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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby manumensa » Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:30 pm

Hello MZgaffer!

Where are the MZ ETZ 250 owners? :roll: :D

Oil pump Mikuni is the unique Japan piece in the motorcycle. MZ factory mount Mikuni because is a qualite garantie and really I don,t know any case of seizure for breakdown of the oil pump in MZ ETZ models.

o Transmision oil: SAE 80 EP .
o Quantity: 900 cc.

- Drain plugs (nº 1 and 2) :
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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:38 am

Hi manumensa

Excellent Thankyou :D

Hmmmmmmmm maybe i will find a pump and refit then


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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:15 pm

Well i made this cobble up today ,,seems to have done the trick ,,flushed it thru a couple of times ,,and re - filled it with fresh oil


Is there a link anywhere for service information for these bikes ??

Ain't got a manual yet

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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby manumensa » Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:13 pm

Hello mzgaff!

MZ ETZ models manual:

moderators note try this in windows explorer /big files do not try on a phone modem
Last edited by DAVID THOMPSON on Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: found original link did not give easy axcess to files as it was in french
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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby Anna » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:55 pm

Hi mzgaffer,

I see I've arrived too late to be much help here, as there's already a link to the manual above and you seem to have done all the work anyway. But for what it's worth - yes, the correct amount of oil is "enough that it runs out the little hole by the gear lever"

And yes, the whitish grey gunge indicates oil that's probably been in there for quite a while and has water "issues", get it changed ASAP!

That's a proper Z-cred repair to the crank-case there! Nice work! I have to admit that on one of my 2-smokes I eventually gave up on the oil pump as I couldn't get it to bleed through one time, and ended up pre-mixing in the old-fashioned way for years. Didn't seem to do the bike any harm. But for convenience I think I prefer the pump if it's available.

Enjoy the smoker though, may you have miles of smiles! :)
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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:59 am

Hi Anna

Thankyou for reply ,,,,,

I think my problems came because the guy i bought my bike off (he has only one hand)
didn't adjust the clutch properly and the tube that goes in crankcase to hold the clutch cable ,,was flailing and flapping about ,,so water would have got in there !!

(I turned the plate/washer around under the cover and it sorted the adjustment out )

Oil changed but my repair is leaking still ,,guess i will have to jb weld or alumiweld it or something

My bike when i got it did an easy 80 mph ,,now it does 70 mph and if held for too long at that speed it fades and stops ,,, seems to like it at 55mph and will run ok at that ??

I have a B6HS spark plug at mo ,,colour is light brown when i take it out

Exhaust is peppered with tiny holes ,,have a split air box rubber ,,, any help in getting the power back i would be very gratefull of

Hi anyway ,,,,,,,

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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:01 pm


Is there anyway of converting the manual to english ??

I cant open the link with babelfish

Can only read in French ??

Was just wondering ,,befoore i put in allot of printing and converting :oops:


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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby manumensa » Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:32 am

Hello MZgaffer!

I suppose must be manual like this in Spanish and English... I don,t founded.

Owners Workshop Manual Haynes MZ ETZ models 1680 is other opcion (not so good).

I don,t speak French, German only a bad Spanish and a very bad English but with love for this machines, a pencil, a traslator, common sense and patience no idiomatic barriers ...we can.

Regard, Manuel.
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Re: MZ250 ETZ Oil capacity

Postby mzgaffer » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:09 pm

Hi Manuel

All sorted

I bought a bike with a heap of spares ,,mine is nearly re built now with lot's of good parts now

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

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