wheel rebuild

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wheel rebuild

Postby elefantmanshawn » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:53 pm

ok so it's time for wheel rebuild's although the're not bad for 30 years but new stainless spokes never hurt,my question is can a 18 inch rear rim be fitted and what sproket changes would be needed to retain standard ratio's,i figure it would be around 8% out,the reason for a change is to allow me to carry one spare tyre instead of two.
Any helpful sugestions/answers welcome
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:25 pm

which bike model of mz
keep in mind that it will raise the rear and make the steering quicker by a bit
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby elefantmanshawn » Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:03 pm

It's a supa 5,could always get lowered shocks,but its an outfit with friction damper so cornering not an issue as much as good tyre options
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:54 pm

being in the uk you probably can find a wheel shop that can do the spokes
here in my area wheel builders are hard to find
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby manumensa » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:12 pm

Hello and wellcome elefantman!

You change the original size and you perhaps -I don,t known this laws in England- can have problems in the "vehicles technical inspeccion".

"The fact that 16" rear wheel was choosing , apart from for the good behavior in march, for the following advantages: a minor weight, a minor solicitation of the driving chain, minor height of the seat and distance between axes
Opposite to these advantages, the disadvantages of the small wheel (scanty vertical clearance up to the soil, the major facility with which the irregularities of the road surface are transmitted to the frame) were considered to be slightly relevant."

A traslation (thank you Pedro) from DDR magazine “Kraftfahrzeugtechnik” (Vehicles Tecnologie) about ETZ 251 model but applicable also TS 250/1: front 18" "... with the front wheel 16" the fork big sinks when use brake to stop" and rear 16".

Rear suspension "Hagon" for TS, photo from the Lamaha post:

For tires my little experience: Dunlop K-82. Excelent in all weathers. Good grip, K82 I see in Spanish classic races,it is less expensive that Avon.
I think "classic carved" tires better than "modern" to old MZs, well, perhaps is a subjetive opinion.

Saludos, Manuel.
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby elefantmanshawn » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:03 am

having the wheel rebuilt with larger rim is not a problem my question is what front/rear sprocket comblination woud reduce ratio -8% to get back to standard
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby elefantmanshawn » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:09 am

hi manuel,the tyres i would like to fit are 3.50/18 enduro-snow type tyre as i plan to ride accross denmark to norway and up into artic cicrcle for a rally/treffen next febuary,the use of 18'' front and rear would allow me to carry 1 spare instead of 2,plus easy use of snow chains if needed
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:11 am

use of snow chains if needed

my my some one besides myself gets out the chains when it ruff out :smt040
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby elefantmanshawn » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:24 pm

Usualy use the ural,if you can get a copy of the north america 2008 ural sales booklet there is a picture of mine in there,however this year I'm looking forward to some light weight mz action,got to love 3 wheels on ice and snow.
Are you still running standard rims/tyres
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby manumensa » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:29 pm


MZ ETZ 250 A (Army model) tyres 3,50x18 in front/rear wheel, front and rear rim 2,15x18. ETZ 250 "standart" front rim 1,60x18 and tyre 2,75x18.

MZ ETZ 250, MZ ETZ 251, MZ TS 250/1 same gearbox.

Final drive reduction ratios:

oTS 250/1 2,23:1 47:21

oETZ 250 2,67:1 48:18 or
2,52:1 48:19

oETZ 251 2,29:1 48:21

When you fit a 18" rear tyre in your TS 250/1 you need aprox. a reduction ratio like a ETZ 250 model 18" ( between 2,67:1 and 2,52:1). Different teeth numbers rear sprocke spare part no available, only front sprocket.

2,61:1 47:18 2,47:1 47:19

I like the look TS fuel tank, low seat-high tank but very bad for accident..."genital area" :cry: . In the next model ETZ you can see this corrected.

Best Regards, Manuel.
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby colm54 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:57 pm

Elefantmanshawn, I wouldn't advise fitting an 18" rim to the TS/1, I know that the advantage to you would be perhaps higher mileage and better choice of tire. In the UK you have a better choice of tire availability. The disadvantage is that the most wear/ mileage you can expect from a rear tire is about 7,000 miles from the rear and that is using a 3.50 x 16" Dunlop Supreme 180 if they are still available.

If you decide anyway to try and fit an 18" rim, here are a few problems you might encounter. If you get a rear rim from an MZ TS125/150 and using the longer spokes to fit the 250/1 rear hub, the angle of the spokes will be curved somewhat making the fitment a little difficult. The size tire you use will be restricted to 3.50 inches as any wider will rub against the chain gaitors, Maximum is 4.10 that will fit, a front Avon, but when the tire gets hot and expands it will rub against the chain as mentioned above. The height of the 18" tire is very close in diameter to that of the 16" tire, but the extra distance means that the chain has to be extende out as far as it will go to prevent the tire from rubbing the back of the swingarm. This also means that the tire will rub against the standard mudguard. The shocks will have to be either repositioned and the frame modified and the saddle position changed to allow for the raised mudguard. The mainstand which is useful on an outfit when changing or repairing the tire or removing the sidecar tends to swing down but barely touches the ground.
You could simplify by just getting an ETZ250 frame and swapping all your stuff over instead.
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Re: wheel rebuild

Postby TomG » Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:26 pm

My ETZ251 came with an earlier ETZ250 18" rear wheel. It handled badly and wobbled noticably at 30mph. I've since replaced the wheel with a standard 16" 251 wheel. Handling is better and the wobble has all but disappeared.

So I wouldn't recommend changing the rear wheel size. A wider front rim (i.e. take a rear off a TS125) is apparently doable and worthwhile.
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