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Postby welsh mz biker » Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:02 am

We are thinking of painting my sons RT 125 engine, main reason is at the moment his engine is a flat matt grey in colour, no aluminium casings to polish and the grey has like a sandtex finish to it so its difficult to clean, hes a lil pissed at that because im forever going on about how i use to spend days with a tooth brush, fine wire wool and solvol autosol polishing the engine casings, carbs, forks etc on my suzuki gt triples and my kawasaki z1 lol..............anyways we were thinking of spraying it satin black which has a nice finish, not to shiney making it look cheap, leaving a few small things like oil filter cover etc silver with similar vht silver paint ......2 main questions any ideas on types of paint to use and does it need a laquer on top to make cleaning easier and will the engine overheat ??
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Postby GED » Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:51 am

HI,yes u can use aerosols but it wont be a very good job ..im affraid if you want a proper job doing you will have to use a 2pack paint [hardener is added to paint] and a 2 pack bare etch primer,the engine wont overheat and the 2pack should withstand temperatures of the engine casings,although not barrell head and front pipes
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Postby Linegeist » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:43 am

On the other hand of course, you could hie yourself off to B&Q, buy a can of their black BBQ aerosol paint and use that!

If the engine has a rough finish, it might be worthwhile taking a little 280 wet 'n dry to the major surfaces simply for cosmetic effect, but the barbeque paint sticks like a limpet, doesn't flake off AND has the huge advantage of smelling like the old fashioned cellulose paint of yore! Who needs beer to get high?

The beauty of the BBQ paint is that it dries extremely quickly. This means that the engine can be given a quick touch-up on occasion (with a little judicious masking off of non-paintable bits) and, because it's semi-matt (and obviously heatproof) dirt washes off easily.

It's also excellent for brake calipers. :wink:
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Postby welsh mz biker » Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:03 am

Excellent idea my welsh compatriate, bbq paint never thought of that, cheaper too, dont have to pay VHT`s crazy prices of £10.00 ($20.00) per tin, we will try it and let u know mate, cheers
welsh mz biker
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Postby hairyhead » Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:00 pm

I am using halfords brush on engine paint on my bsa C project it comes in a pink pot if thats any use over here its 9 euro hope that helps and it doesnt leave brush marks either. Im well pleased with it.

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