generator from electrexworld

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generator from electrexworld

Postby wayne » Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:05 pm

hi guys i need a generator for the baggy and found that there are 4 variations between the xtz and the szr.can any1 tell me which one i would need.they are on M&Ps website


Sorry to be a pain in the arse but i found these 3 generators does anyone know which will fit my baggy?
Last edited by wayne on Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:16 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: generator from m&p

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:08 am

I don't know what site that might be. I do know that the XTZ engine used in the Skorpion and the SZR engine have the same alternator. They are basically the same engine. The left side cover is exactly the same part, the rotor is the same part.
I have both, have changed parts on both and interchanged parts on both.
The XT, srx, TT, i.e. the 4-valve engines have a different , heavier rotor and a different alternator, altho the E-start XT (the last one) does have the same crankcase and side cover as the XTZ/Teneré. The alternator for these does fit the bolt pattern of the XTZ/SZR sidecover, but it does not fit into the rotor. These are probably the differences you are noting.

The Raptor 660 parts do not fit.

The only major difference getween the XTZ and SZR engines are the transmission mainshaft and the 1st gear cog.
Otherwise, there are subtle differences in quality I (not only I) find between the made-in-Italy Belgarda version and the japanese XTZ in the MZ.
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Re: generator from electrexworld

Postby wayne » Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:25 am

thanks bill. i edited the above message as i found another place that sell generators at good prices, but they are showing 3 that look different to oneanother.
i dont know what to do. AAAHHHGG

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Re: generator from electrexworld

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:03 am

Why not? it is really just a simple as this:
you need the alternator for the Yamaha XTZ. For that engine, there is only only one type.
If that supplier can't distiguish, that is not the right address to buy at.
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Bill Jurgenson
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Re: generator from electrexworld

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:18 am

here are the Yamaha part numbers for the two parts:
Rotor: 3YF-81450-00
Stator: 3YF-81410-00

all parts used in the XTZ660 engine are prefixed with 3YF.
introduced in 1993, the XTZ 660 engine was used in the Yamaha Teneré 660, all MZ 660s, one Aprilia, the Derbi Mulhaçen and with a lightly modified transmission in the SZR which was however assembled in Italy.

Like I said, there is only one model for this engine.
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