rear disc bolts

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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rear disc bolts

Postby funmonkee » Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:53 pm

finally got a replacement rear carrier. Only to find the bolts I got fowl the chain guide Grrrr

Does anyone have any spare rear disc bolts for a baghira black panther? to tell me what other bike/model bolts I can use as I can't seem to source the bolts anywhere local :(

Grrr I've owned the baggi for near 3 months now and its been on the road a week and a half :cry:
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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby handsomejackuk » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:22 pm


try this chap out, i had some stuff off him before, and is stuff is real good, not sure whether the size i have given you is exactly right measure the bolt diameter and length just to be sure...make yourself a big order and you can replace loads of other bolts as well... the flanged button, cap heads are quite difficult to get hold of.. much better than the soft cheesy crap that mz supply which round off and need drilling out....

hope this helps... ... AM7DL.aspx

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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby handsomejackuk » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:23 pm

might be m5 actually, get a vernier on the threads to get dia....
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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby keithcross » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:01 pm


Rear disc bolts are M6 by 16mm long. Not sure about the thread pitch, but I think they are metric course.
Rear sprocket bolts are M10, 1.25 pitch and 40mm long. On my Baghira I have used sprocket bolts from a Yamaha XT600 and they work fine, with the added benifit of being hex head.

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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:29 am

M6 pitch is 1mm.
There is M6 fine = 0,75mm but you will not fine that anywhere in a motorcycle.
here is a page covering almost any thread:

M10x1,25 is fine thread but not the normal row which would be M10x1 such as you find on european banjo bolts, e.g. Brembo. M10x1,25 is typically Japanese, but you do find it on european motorcycles as well - the Japanese predominance in this market. You would have to look very hard to find it in toolmaking.
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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby funmonkee » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:48 pm

Great stuff dudes. I used a temporary bolt from a bike breaker mate... till Igot the correct one from Grahams.


Next question... I took the bike to work this morning and rode to work and back - around 12ish miles... the chain was as slack as a slack thing... I'm not convinced the push bolt system is all that great. Has anyone fitted a pull back to keep the chain/rearwheel in check? I don't like worrying about how tight/slack my chain is :D
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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby funmonkee » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:56 pm

handsomejackuk wrote:funmonkee,

try this chap out, i had some stuff off him before, and is stuff is real good, not sure whether the size i have given you is exactly right measure the bolt diameter and length just to be sure...make yourself a big order and you can replace loads of other bolts as well... the flanged button, cap heads are quite difficult to get hold of.. much better than the soft cheesy crap that mz supply which round off and need drilling out....

hope this helps... ... AM7DL.aspx


Wonder if those guys would make up a pack for baggi owners. Some do bolt packs for vmax etc... we might get a good deal if several of us order? I'd be interested cos alot of my baggi bolts look a bit gubbed and I'm missing the underseat lock bolt, the bolts that hold the top of the seat to the tank and a few others look real bad.

What do you think?
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Re: rear disc bolts

Postby handsomejackuk » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:05 pm

Go for it mate, If i had all the dimensions for you, i would send them to you, unfortunately, i did all mine slowly and took the process of take one out, measure it, take out another measure.. takes a while, but 90% of mine are stainless steel. looks better and last a lot longer. I am sure you will be pleased with the service off stig he is great and will give you loads of advice when you phone him.

hope this helps

Still waiting for chain and rear sporcket, hope to be on this weekend.....

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