MZ ETZ 251 rebild

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MZ ETZ 251 rebild

Postby sunderlandluke » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:07 pm


im planning on rebilding my old man's mz etz 251 foucsing on the engien and gearbox, it is a 1991-1992 built bike whith about 79,000 km's on the clock
it is fitted whith a "BFV" carb and electronic ignition any one got any advice of any improvements or modifcations that could be made to improve performance ect. of the moterbike.

any help apritiated :D
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Re: MZ ETZ 251 rebild

Postby Old Dog » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:34 am

MZ performance tuning?
Apart from the racers one doesn't hear a great deal about it.
You can lift the size of the front sprocket but that usually makes hill a pita.
best mod I did was
1. MZ-B ignition system much better than standard although if you have the electronic tacho you will lose it with this system. It is easy to fit and there are revs on tap and perfectly reliable starting, carburation aside.
2. Find a 301 topend and swap them over. The 301 was arguably one of, if not the best motor they built. There is no carb issues, and it should be a case of plug and play. It gives you just that little bit more where you want it.
3. You could ring Burwins and ask them as they do a lot of racing stuff including lighter pistons.

I wouldn't bother with silencers and the like - MZ invented silencer technology.

just my 2p worth
All the best

Old Dog

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Re: MZ ETZ 251 rebild

Postby sunderlandluke » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:36 pm

thanks for that advive, just one question tho what is the differance between the 251 and the 301 heads? apart from the larger capacitey ofcorse, i meen is the 301 top end just a boared out verstion of the 251 cause i can get that done myself rather than go to the expence of a new top end off mzb
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Re: MZ ETZ 251 rebild

Postby tonyc » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:43 am

Hey! I am not old! I am only 41 and 10/12ths! Any more of this imputance and I will come down to the railway and tell them you like diesel locomotives.
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