Baghira Bling?

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Baghira Bling?

Postby brucem » Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:47 am

A follow on from my previous question really. Still trying to work out what sort of billet petrol cap will fit the Baghira. If I had to guess I would go with a KTM cap?
What other shiny bit's have people fitted to there bikes. So far the only non standard bit's on mine are the handgaurds. I would like to fit a different silencer at
some point as the standard one is pretty ugly and heavy. Only bolt on replacements I can find are the BSM's and G.P.R. ones. They both work out at around £300
though :(
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Re: Baghira Bling?

Postby kendo » Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:48 am

Why dont you use the original silencers connecting piece and get it grafted onto a road legal silencer with a removable baffle , this way the MOT will not be an issue and when the mood takes you ,or you want to upset the neighbours, the baffle can be removed.

With regards to bling, my bike has renthal bars,chrome tacho,polished rims,acrebis hand guards,fake CF lower fork coverings,MZ fork protectors,engine bars,rear light/mudguard mod and numerous other small pieces of bling that have been fitted over the years.


PS - I see from your signature picture that you are using an image of a "REX", do you own one of them as well as the "baggie" as the big Kawa is my first / second bike depending on what mood i am in.
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Re: Baghira Bling?

Postby MSW » Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:53 pm

Well, one of the lesser-known bits of Baghira lore is that all of the Baggy's plastics (including the fuel tank) were made for MZ by Acerbis. So, If I needed a replacement gas cap, I guess I'd take a shot with one of theirs: What they list on their website as the "large cap" looks suspiciously like the Baggy's stock cap. However, it looks like the "Honda Replica" cap (that qualifies as "bling" for a dirt bike) might not fit the Baggy's tank, as it lists those Honda-specific models. You might find something aftermarket to fit an Acerbis tank, though.

Of course, you shouldn't rely on any of that. It's all just pure speculation. But it's a place to start.

As for my bling list:

MZ Fork Protectors
Acerbis Rally Pro Handguards
National Cycle Windscreen (sometimes - it goes on and comes off very easily)
Tunebike power headers w/Holeshot can
Baja Designs taillight/fender kit

All of my other purchases have been non-blingy.

EDIT: Oops! Forgot about my ProTaper SE handlebars. They're tre kewl!
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Re: Baghira Bling?

Postby brucem » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:13 am

Yes, I do also own a Rex. It's a 99 Zrx1100 in Eddie Lawson green, with zzr1100 cams, a light head skim, dynojet kit and Leo Vince end can.
Pushing out 125BHP at the back wheel. Also got a Blackbird, but that's going up on Ebay this week, and a little Aprillia Habana scooter, which will also go up on Ebay soon. Hoping to keep the Rex and the Baggi, but with unemployment looming at the end of May and a few health issues who knows :(

Being positive at the moment and looking at what I can do to the Baggi to get her ready for the summer. So the silencer may have to wait,
will work on a solution for the back brake pedal and locating a suitable gas cap for now. After that possibly a lowering kit, as I am only 5' 7"
Haven't seen another Baggi for a while, so I don't know what else is different on my bike. I know the back end has been tidied up as there is
a stick on reflector on the number plate. I'm guessing there's usually a clumpy piece of plastic for mounting the number plate with a reflector below?
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Re: Baghira Bling?

Postby handsomejackuk » Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:25 pm

heres a couple of pics of my ride,

Been updated quite a bit more since....

will post some new ones when weather is kinder

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