Skorpion gearlever modifications

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Linegeist » Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:29 pm

djsbriscoe wrote:Bob,
Where did you get the footpegs and the gear lever that you use? I think you said you got the lever from a local bike shop. Would the shop have any left in stock?
I've had a look on ebay but I'm bewildered by all the different levers for different Yamaha's that are on there :?
Is there any chance you could get hold of a gear lever for me or put me in touch with someone who stocks footpegs and lever similar to yours.
I need to get something organised soon so that I can get out and ride the bike. As the footpeg/lever and handlebar positioning are interdependent I should try to set these up at the same time.
I've probably asked too much now, so If the answer is no that's OK.


Hi David,

I got the alloy footpegs from Ebay from a bloke who was scrapping a Z750. As I once had one of these venerable bikes, I knew the pegs would fit. Having said that, I've since seen them on a whole bunch of different bikes so I suspect they're a standard part bought in by manufacturers.

The gearshift I got from my friendly Yam dealer in Bangor - Bill Smiths ... really nice people who don't run away from Skorpions - it's a gearlever for an ordinary XT - it uses basically the same engine as the Skorp. I wanted a bent-metal one so I could bend it more if required. No need - it fitted with perfect clearance for my size 11 boots!

If you're really stuck, PM me and I'll send you my contact details, obtain the bits for you, and then mail them on. You seem a trustworthy type of chap! :-D :wink:

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Old Dog » Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:54 pm

They look remarkably like the standard Skorpion item with the rubbers removed. The Skorpion one has drilled holes for mounting the rubber but apart from that......
All the best

Old Dog

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Linegeist » Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:05 am

Well spotted. Having gone out and checked - I think you're dead right! Having put 'em side my side, there's a definite family resemblance that's more than just accident. :-D

I suspect, like many automotive parts, manufacturers donlt bother reinventing the wheel every time they come up with a new bike - they simply buy-in parts like footpegs from a short list of readily available, and mass-produced, parts.

The only difference I can see is that the threaded hole in the outer edge of the peg for the steel "touchdown lug" is missing .... but even so, there's a cast bump there if you wanted to drill and tap.

Fascinating stuff!!!!

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby ajwebonly » Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:50 pm

Is there any other bike out there that uses the same footpeg to rearset bracket mounting method as the Muz Tour/Traveller?
ie has the 17mm x 5mm recess with the flat top and a 10mm hole?

Surely every bike can't use a unique system, can they?

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:26 pm

You mean bolted from behind?
All Skorpion models except the Replica use this system which is, as noted above, not unique to MZ by any means. These selfsame pegs are found on many different makes.

Where's the problem?
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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby ajwebonly » Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:29 am

The problem is simply of identifying an alternative bike that uses the same fixing.

These days it is impossible to take your bracket into a bike shop and ask them to rummage in the parts bin to find a mounting bracket that will fit, instead the only option seems to be to order from the internet using a specific manufacturer/model.

So I have found some suitable footpegs I'd like ... but they all require a mounting bracket that is bike specific.
As you can see MuZ aren't listed in the bikes they support, but given that the part numbers show that there are in fact only a handful of different fixings I was hopeful that one would be the same as a MuZ. But without any drawings I can't tell if that is the case or not. ( I did write to the manufacturer but they simply stated MuZ weren't in the list, which I already knew )

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Linegeist » Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:31 am

ajwebonly wrote:These days it is impossible to take your bracket into a bike shop and ask them to rummage in the parts bin to find a mounting bracket that will fit, instead the only option seems to be to order from the internet using a specific manufacturer/model.


Hmmm. I think that's possibly a geographical thing Alan. My local Yam dealer's more than happy to talk about MuZ stuff - and to rummage in his parts bins for me.

Mind you, as main dealers go, this one's a Mecca for bikers of all types from all over the island who come to road-test the onsite burger van and drool over the stuff in the car park. It's like a mini Ace Cafe at the weekend in summer. :) :)

If you're totally stuffed, PM me and I'll drop by and have a chat with them. I need some bits next weekend.

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby djsbriscoe » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:30 am

Hi Bob,
I'm having the same problem as Alan.
The sticking point is the mounting bracket.
The mounting that you use for the left hand footpeg here


It Is not the standard one fitted to the Skorpion as standard. I would like to use this arrangement on my bike.
I would settle for getting the footpeg on the left hand side of the bike sorted out first and then later turn my attention to the right hand footpeg and brake lever arrangement later. I don't know what you have used for the brake lever as I don't think you posted a picture.

If you are going to your local bike shop at the weekend is there any chance of getting two lots of the mounting hardware for the footpegs (one for me and one for Alan)?

I have no idea where bill has found the footpeg he has used in this picture


Maybe he fabricated it himself.

And this arrangement for the brake lever is very nice but I don't know where to get the parts from.


As there are two threads running on two separate forums about this subject I've also posted to the mzskorpion forum as well.

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby ajwebonly » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:16 am

The bracket Bob uses is the original Muz one, I believe, but drilled out so the bolt can be fitted and cleaned up. Still uses the original shaft so you can see the gap where the gear lever used to be. This would be my backup plan although my bracket looks significantly cruder than Bobs, with rough square edges - perhaps MuZ used different suppliers?

I think Bill said those pegs are from a Replica but with some extra machining to make them fit? They are exactly what I'd like, both sides and the gear lever.. Maybe you could make up some ready to bolt on kits Bill? I'd certainly buy a set.

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:45 am

happiness is owning a lathe ,milling machine and shaper
even if i do have to hand crank them
all made before i was born but still very useful
but to primitive for any large scale production work
dave :smt040
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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Linegeist » Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:05 am

ajwebonly wrote:......... my bracket looks significantly cruder than Bobs, with rough square edges - perhaps MuZ used different suppliers?


I hate to say this Alan, but having spent quite a few years in the Army I tend to polish (or paint) things that don't move. (Those that do I shout at :smt005 )

I took the rusty old MuZ bracket and subjected it a rotary wire brush, followed by a session with a high speed buffing wheel. :cry:


I'm just going to have a spot of lunch (having just built an entire 8' x 12' raised vegetable bed I'm knackered and flagging) and then I;ll pop out to the workshop and take some pics.

Gimme an hour (or so). :-)
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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Linegeist » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:36 am

Right! Despite the cat's best efforts to distract me by chucking dead fieldmice around the bloody workshop while I'm trying to 'work', and trying its hardest to sharpen its claws on the Skorp's seat ( :evil: :evil: :evil: ) here's the link for the info on my footpegs:

I've bunged it onto my Skorp' webpage - it's just easier than trying to post it onto both this site, and Norman's as well.

Any questions, please PM me.

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby ajwebonly » Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:28 pm

So what I really need is ...

A lathe
A milling machine
A bench grinder/polisher
A Bench of course
A workshop to put it all in
power for the workshop ....

Gulp, this motorcycling lark is getting expensive, and there was me thinking this would be a cheaper alternative to the car. Hahaha.

Thanks "Haynes" Bob, another great posting.

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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby Linegeist » Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:17 pm

Al, you forgot the beer fridge! :shock: :shock: :shock: :twisted:
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Re: Skorpion gearlever modifications

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:28 pm

forget the beer fridge! at least on days in the machine shop and riding
I AM 64 in sept 09 and still have all my fingers
and i have a bunch of machine shop and fab shop time
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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