Skorpion transmission snatch

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby Old Dog » Thu May 07, 2009 7:35 am

Sorry about that chaps - moment of weakness- it won't happen again.
Have a great trip.
I am off over there in July for three weeks under canvas with the Family, also supposed to be going to the German SRX meet in Koln but then Germany is not France. Should be quite a summer what with a week at the TT too.

All the best

Old Dog

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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby netguz » Thu May 07, 2009 12:18 pm

No problem, I think we´ve all been a bit emotional - and nothing wrong with that!

Long live good memories, and the things that cause them.

Hope you both have a great time.

If you get a chance, run down to Pau, take the really tiny little road up over the mountains, meander in Jaca .........


Enough now!

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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby ajwebonly » Thu May 07, 2009 1:02 pm

A vain attempt to get back to the subject ....

My Skorpion is also unhappy running at less than 3000. As someone who hates revving things as a matter of principle it has taken me a while to get used to riding so far up the rev range. But one thing I have found that has helped greatly was to lower the gearing ( 15/43 ). This seems to mask what snatching I still get at low speeds and has made town riding a much smoother progression. I don't think I've scared any pedestrians lately with a sudden juddering or the unexpected roar as I drop 2 cogs to creep forward in traffic. lol

Enough of town talk ... I'm dreaming of Spain, touring from Parador to Parador.
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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby Nils D » Thu May 07, 2009 1:13 pm

(Sorry to interrupt the nostalgia, but I'd like to return to the original subject.)

It's hard to judge what your snatches feels like, but I have got my Traveller to run more smooth at lower revs by opening the mixture-screw. I am not sure but I think it's at about 5 - 6 turns for the moment.
I have taken away the fuel-pump (I've listened to Bill) so now it's quiet easy to reach the mixture-screw from the right side of the bike.
And by using a longer bit, pressed in to a piece of wood, it's quiet easy to adjust the screw, and to know what I am doing.

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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby Norman Wade » Thu May 07, 2009 2:46 pm

:smt006 Hello, I'm on this forum as well!
Message for netguz: 'Avon skin so soft'? I had to look this up and they do a range of products called 'age-defying'. Are you trying to infer that the ravages of time have diminished my boyish good looks?
Also, I LIVE in the West of Scotland! :lol:

(This is getting really 'off topic' for a motorcycle forum!)

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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby netguz » Thu May 07, 2009 3:12 pm

Bloody hell - technical stuff, cosmetics and pedantry!

Lowering the gearing is certainly an answer, but - out on a limb - what the Skorp really needs is a new gearbox!

Norman, I would never try to compromise your boyish good looks! This Idiotweb thingy and the guy I was chatting to last weekend both say that Avon´s ¨Skin so soft¨ repel those pesky midges wot you get in Scotland. I was hoping for some local knowledge - that, may explain your .......

Tweaking the mixture to get smoother running backs up what Linegeist says; but if I´d screwed the air screw out that far, I´d be thinking about checking the air filter, and / or replacing the plug.

Then comes nostalgia - oh, boy!

It´s quite a difficult word to define - generally seen as a sort of homesickness, but can also be viewed as a sick longing for the past.

The word ¨sick¨ is important - it occurs in all definitions of nostalgia.

When I was posting I felt optimistic, and I felt that linegeist and old man were as well. Memories are good.

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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby netguz » Thu May 07, 2009 3:19 pm

Sorry, short term memory problems.

Parador - to me, a new word.

Is it sort of, could be, maybe, like

Not suggesting any connection - but, wow.

Anyway, when you get to Jaca you really should .......
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Re: Skorpion transmission snatch

Postby Linegeist » Thu May 07, 2009 3:47 pm

netguz wrote:This Idiotweb thingy and the guy I was chatting to last weekend both say that Avon´s ¨Skin so soft¨ repel those pesky midges wot you get in Scotland.

I found that whisky repels midges! :shock:

No, seriously. You need to drink just enough of it so that it is present in your perspiration the following day - midges hate it.

The other plus is that, once you've imbibed sufficient, you really don't give a stuff if the midges are scoffing themselves silly at your expense. You canlt feel a thing. :smt005

And Paradors!!!! When we feel the need for relaxation, we head for little place called Antequera, an hour inland from Malaga. It's a tiny town (with it's own bullring if that's your bag) that produces Olive Oil. It's perfectly situated on the main motorway between Seville and Granada - but the best bit is, it's unspoilt. Nobody speaks English - so tourists are few and far between, and you can immerse yourself totally in Spanish life for the duration of your stay - the food, the wine, the evening Paseo down the (marble paved) Main Street in the cool of the evening. beautiful place, and a lovely little Parador (with a great bar). :wink:

Not sure I'd do it on a bike though. Some of those Spanish drivers are seriously deranged ............... :evil:
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