the mod's continue

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

the mod's continue

Postby handsomejackuk » Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:05 pm


just a progress update.

speedo cable completely gone from left hand fork leg.
filed off the unused lug on the fork, getting my mate two fill in the small holes with aluminium weld, then going to get the both forks mirror polished.
changed colour of my axle sliders to real shiny chrome paint (bling)
made stainless steel cover for airbox (photos soon)
refitted rear rack, as my daughter likes coming for ride with me.
snapped front indicator off other day, so will have to source some new ones....
rear indicators are looking a little shabby too.
changed oil a couple of weeks ago.... usual lidl semi synthetic £9.99 4.5 litres new filter also....
still on the look out for stainless steel dogbones, and stainless steel engine plates...?
made some arrangements with my local wheelbuilder to sort my rear wheel out £80 to respoke with polished stainless steel spokes...
new home made dash is great and the remounted headlight is great mod. sits nice and close to top of forks. real pita to get fitted right, but really worth it.
painted my radiator stone chip shields chromy silver (real blingy also)
will try and get some pic updates tomorrow.....
still using the halfords cycle speedo great piece of kit, really reliable, and accurate....
hope everyone is well must arrange a meet up soon....

I'm a schizophrenic so am I !!!!
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