Well, I managed to drop it within 24 hours of finally getting it. I wonder if that's a record. Not so bad, actually. Dropped it on the right side, scuffed the exhaust, the front right fork, and managed to pop the cover off the tach. It sucks that I was two blocks from home, but that's probably why I was distracted, and tired from my first 'real' ride. (The tach cover popped when it touched the curb on the way down.)
Popping the cover is no big deal, but the problem is that the plastic post on the tach that the cover screws to is what broke loose. The tach still seems to work work just fine. Is it reasonable to superglue the plastic post back on and hope that water doesn't get into the tach and that it doesn't rattle loose, or should I get a new tach housing (probably somewhat expensive)?
Drop and first ride nerves aside it was a lot of fun!