Baghira problems

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Baghira problems

Postby STACHu » Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:17 pm

This is my first post so will try to squeeze all my problems in it.

1. Where neutral gear unit is located? and any ideas why light is not shown on speedo when neutral selected?
2. Where to connect rev counter? I've AceWell speedo and it have only one cable for rev connection.
3. This problem involved digital speedo as well. Where to fit magnetic speed sensor for best results.
4. How to check thermal switch?

If you can provide photos I'll be much appreciated.

Thank you for your help.
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Re: Baghira problems

Postby Anders » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:06 am

The neutral gear sensor is inside the engine, if you follow the wiring coming out of the engine (just above the sprocket) you will find a singel blue wire with a connector, this is the the one... I you open the connector and hook up a volt meter between the end that goes into the engine and a grounding point you can measure if the switch is working. The circuit is closed (12V) when in neutral. If the light still does not come on it may be a faulty bulb in the dash or a broken wire.

You will find some wiring info here
Also it is a good idea to download a SZR or XTZ manual for troubleshooting electrics etc, thay are essentially the same as for the MuZ, test procedures for thermal switches should be in there.

Best place for digital speedsensor is probably front disc.

As for the rev counter, waht does the instructions say? I'm guessing that you should connect it to the (+) imput terminal on the ignition coil or just wrap it 2-5 turns aroud the spark plug lead to pick up the pulse.
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Re: Baghira problems

Postby STACHu » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:50 pm

Thanks Anders great tips.

Speedo almost sorted waiting for magnetic bolt to fit in brake disc.
Have no instruction for speedo but will try connect to coil.

Many thanks
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Re: Baghira problems

Postby Norman Wade » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:30 pm

You can download Acewell manuals here:

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Re: Baghira problems

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:06 pm


speedo magnet i fitted a magnet from a megnetic pick up tool from pound shop. the type for retrieving dropped objects that pulls out like old styleeeee car aerial just pop it in one of the disk bolts. dont need to glue it as it fits strate in speedo sensor mounted on brake caliper aluminium mount......

hope this helps

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Re: Baghira problems

Postby mr-brightside » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:14 pm

you can also buy them on ebay i bought a few a while back, tiny little things but realy powerfull so they dont need to be realy close to the sensor, just type in small magnets and see what comes up :-D
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