After seeking out recommendations, looking at what is available and at what price, I finally plumped for a Carbon Can Company end can for the Baggi. The deal offered at the NEC was too good to turn down for their road legal can with twin outlets. It came well packed, and with all the fittings and simple fitting instructions (which look like they were drawn by a six year old)-very east to follow.
Took about 30 minutes to fit, start to finish-just had to unbolt the old one (never realised how heavy it is), and bolt on the new one. Took a couple of attempts moving all the bracketry about to get it positioned high enough to look good.
Overall impressions are favourable. Built quality is good and the sound is very nice (loud, but not offensively so) and it now lifts the front when accelerating hard. The power delivery feels much stronger than before, and top speed and fuel economy do not seem to have altered over the 160 odd miles I rode.
The only down side is that I have noticed (imagined?) an increase in engine vibration and engine noise. Still nothing like my XR650 had though.
It has also melted my rear number plate-a slightly longer spacer and bolt, plus a thicker bracket and a bit of repositioning will sort this. And it has encouraged me to put some time aside to fit the short rear guard and rear light I have had sitting in the garage for 5 months. Pictures later.