by boilermaker » Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:01 pm
Well Lads
Took the bike over to my friend Nicks Car/Bike/Boat repair shop this morning to sort out the intermittent gear selection problems. Following a strip down to empty clutch basket level a tool was made up (see photos) to remove the castellated? ring that retains the clutch basket on to the gear shaft. The basket was removed and the external selector mechanism acessed. Following repeated manual operation of the mechanism which flagged up no faults, the mechanism itself was stripped to replace the the return spring as a matter of course, when the selector return spring (item 33 part No 3547306000 see photos) was removed it was found to be cracked and in fact had been the cause of the problem. The main point to be taken from this exercise is that the spring should be removed/replaced in every case as the cracking cannot be seen. The gear selector mechanism is now functioning normally. This repair is fairly straightforward and with the use of one fabricated tool + an impact wrench, should take no more than two hours.