Most anything you can make fit will work.12 volts two wires bob's your uncle.
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate. John Lennon
I know I can wire any sig up,I was wondering if the MZ 1000 has sourced sigs from another brand. I'm trying to restore it as close to stock as I can. I'm in Florida by the way.
I have a set of stock rear clear lens turn signals from my SF.
The previous owner had them replaced with smaller clear lens L E D signals which is why I said almost anything you can mount will do the job.
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate. John Lennon
I just bought it wed.needing the left mid,windshield and upper fairing after a minor wreck. Still looking for used,or repairable used bodyparts so I can start riding it. The front left sig is missing along with the mid and the rear left is missing the lense.
is your best bet,thats where most of the 1000s stuff turns up. There is a few items still for sale for an "s" model, but sods law says not what your looking for
You usually just need to send the seller a message to ask if they will post outside germany.
A guy in NY has a business repairing plastic body parts,he has a link on the ADV site maybe he could fab one up for you.
Can you make a mock-up out of cardboard and fiberglass it because it could be a long wait trying to find one.Good luck look into turning it into an Super Fighter like this one.
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate. John Lennon
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate. John Lennon
I can repair my own plastic,problem is the left mid is missing and some of the upper is also missing. I could make one upper out of two by 1/2ing it but no one posts broken stuff for sale. Anyone have a breaker near them in the UK maybe that might have used bits?
Thanks for the link,I emailed to see if he'll post to the US. And the 1st pic is just fine,got her # ?
Mach Looking for a breaker here in UK with parts will be just as difficult as it is in the US as very few machines were imported/sold here. However I am sure that a few of the lads here will circulate your requirements on the breakers national website. You do have the final option of asking Ian at Grahams motorcycles for price/availability of new stock.
Mach I appreciate what you say and I wish you luck with your search but Ian at Grahams keeps a constant look-out for a cheaper source of parts for these machines as he is also paying top dollar from the factory knowing that the bankrupcy administrators are trying to screw as much out of customers as possible (through him). Add to this the ridiculious cost of transatlantic postage (why? its the busiest route in the world) and you have very expensive parts.