M.O.T ??? Should I sell ?

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M.O.T ??? Should I sell ?

Postby elcaptain69 » Tue May 11, 2010 12:24 pm

Hi all... Can anyone tell me if your bike fails M.O.T is it recorded on the vosa system? My point is.. easter (2009) I was knocked off @ 15mph by an idiot trying a U-turn without looking.. My insurers wrote it off because of "beyond economic repair"..I was paid out (did well out if it actually) and I put the bike back on the road for £300. The insurers said i needed to M.O.T it before I went out on the road again,to which it passed with no problems. 1 year and 1000 miles later it fails M.O.T at a different M.O.T station.. Even though it has not been knocked or dropped etc in that last year.. it failed on a "distorted front wheel rim" noisey exhaust etc. These were EXACTLY the same as last yrs M.O.T!! The tester was a right F**kin Git.. real bad attitude!.. My question... If I went to use a different M.O.T station.. would this yrs fail items be recorded on the system?..would it be a waste of time?.. if so :( I need to get a new front wheel :oops:

I can honestly say the bike has never looked or ran better than it does now (see pics)... I am hardly using it now because of other commitments..I have considered selling it but now with an M.O.T fail, it would probably lose to much money?? What do you think?... It has new Dunlop sportmax tyres on it @ £240, Oxford nano indicators @ £100 for the set of 4. Trail tech clock (and original clock)..and so on (see latest pics (the ones with the flame stickers) @ link at bottom).

Thanks in advance x
God that guy was a right tosser! :evil:
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Re: M.O.T ??? Should I sell ?

Postby Taipan » Tue May 11, 2010 1:15 pm

The VOSA system is a live system and the MOT tester logs onto it and brings up your vehicles details, including past fails, advisories etc. So yes he can see it as can anyone else who has the V5 (logbook).http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Ow ... G_10020539

Why not get your bike sorted out? You can get your wheel "trued" by places usch as Hagons or you can do it yourself if you have patience. There's bound to be a place near you that can do thsi for you. Put a db killer in your exhaust and thats sorted. The bike is worth more with an MOT than without one.

Don't forget as it was written off it'll also show up on the HPi register, should anyone run a check. As a private seller I don't think you're legally obliged to disclose this, but you may be as well to mention it and explain what damage was done and how you repaired it.

It certainly looks a nice enough bike in the pictures, be a shame to sell it off cheap for teh sake of a bit of work to get it through the MOT.:)
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Re: M.O.T ??? Should I sell ?

Postby GEOFF587 » Wed May 12, 2010 7:12 am

Or sell it too me cheap :D Seriously they are 2 relative minor points , a front wheel is not a fortune and a DB will sort out your after market exhaust. What it costs will be no where what you will lose selling it too me for 500 pounds. :twisted:
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Re: M.O.T ??? Should I sell ?

Postby elcaptain69 » Wed May 12, 2010 9:26 am

Yeah thanx guys... and Geoff.... erm... no ta :smt005 ... got a week off work in a fortnight... i'll sort it out then and take it to a different mot station. I'm positive the wheel is ok.. He even listed the bars snaggin on full lock.. THE LEVER PROTECTORS TOUCH THE HEADLIGHT FAIRING AT THE SAME TIME AS THE STOPS ON FULL LOCK! They always have!! i'll remove them for mot, put a baffle in exhaust.. Might sell after a full m.o.t :idea:.. it is such a nice bike and so different!
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Re: M.O.T ??? Should I sell ?

Postby elcaptain69 » Sun May 23, 2010 3:12 pm

Just an update... All fixed no problems at a different M.O.T station...straight through... And its staying 8) :lol: :) :-D :-D :-D
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