Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby samandkimberly » Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:46 am

I realize you asked this to Bill, but since I'm sitting here typing...

a little play on a shaft driven by straight cut gears is no problem at all, too little play can be a *disaster* . I wouldn't mess with it.

hb7 wrote:My question to you Bill....
What are you doing about the slight side to side slop on the balancer gear ?
Are you going to shim it up some ?
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby hb7 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:00 pm

It's the play in the woodruff key slot....which troubles me.
Replacing one cheese like woodruff key with same thing.....
seem wrong. I suggest making a key from better steel.
Here is the gasket #

Clutch side :
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:08 pm

hardened keys are available. What is the result? The slot in the shaft ist widened even more, eventually ruined.
What is cheaper? Crank or key?
The purpose of the key is above all to postition and not to retain. The torque on the nut should suffice to to hold when everything is clean.
Do not use Locktite on the nut. Use a torque wrench: 120nm. Be sure all surfaces are clean and use assembly grease on the threads.

There should be be very little slop in the key slot of the gears, The crank slot will naturally have a little play.
The problem ist not in the slot or the key. It is the cushdrive of the gear itself. Whether or not you have any problems at all is dependent on:
- variation of tolerances within the series itself;
- care of engine;
- driving style and use.
But the problem remains real and is today just as much a problem with the new xt660 as it was with the xt 20+ years ago and the xtz because it is one of design.
The only real cure is a different balancer gear.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby hb7 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:37 pm

"The purpose of the key is above all to postition and not to retain. The torque on the nut should suffice to to hold when everything is clean."
120nm = 90 ft lbs.

"The package is then actually only held by the key; both primary gear and balancer gear can turn a bit, slapping against the key in its race. the balancer gear has a recoil spring assembly as hub, so it has quite a bit of backlash and this aggrevates the slapping so the the key itself gets compressed from both sides. "

Cushdrive for the balancer gear....? I don't see any....?

Yes, balancer woodruff key is at 4 o'clock and the slot where it belongs is at 12 o'clock.
Balancer bearing behind it broken through the case.


Did you install the Slipstream gear ? How much is it ?
Any pictures?

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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby hb7 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:13 pm

I would speculate that the wood ruff key will most likely shear off
in 1 or 2 gear. Highly unlikely to happen in 5th gear at crusing speeds.
The one key which I know about, sheared off doing a monster wheelie.
Sheared off the rotor and the balancer keys.

Not me riding, I only bought the wreckage.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:03 am

here, both gears together;

We are not talking about the gear on the balancershaft, altho I have seen one ruined balancer:

Here, instead the keyway of the balancer is shot beyound repair and just shy of giving out.
This is unusual, tho. After;peening the keyway backdown and removing the weight entirely,I am using this shaft in a balancerless engine.

The gear cost 80£ from Slipstream and yes, I have installed it. I install it in every engine I have to open.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby billr » Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:54 pm

For those of us "newer" owners that have read through this thread and are wondering when the bullet will bite...
What mileage did the ones involved have on them?
When is a good time to check this area of the motor?
Has this been limited to bikes ridden aggressively or just running down the road?

My Traveller has 16k miles now.
Looking at that last pic Bill J. posted, I'm about ready to tear into the case and look.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby hb7 » Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:19 pm

If understand correctly from the pictures, Bill is already using the slipstream cush drive intermediate gear and yet he still
has some impending failure marks on his woodruff key.
I think the failure happens when you suddenly pop the clutch in 1st gear.
This is the most stress on the woodruff key. I can't see this happening in 5th gear.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:35 am

you did not read correctly!

first the Slipstream gear is the one on the left without a cushdrive, the other is the OEM item, and
Secondly, I just fit this gear to the SZR from which the eaten up key came.
thirdly, I did not write anything else nor write confusingly.
My Skorpion has the gear as do all the engines I have rebuilt in the last two years.
I also wrote that there is no typical mileage. My Skorpion had slightly over 30tkm. i.e.20000mls and I am aware of others sith such low mileage.
And from what I saw in the SZR last week, the key must have sheared of in that one, too. Since I got that one with 32tkm it was about the same.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby hb7 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:28 pm

Thanks for clarifying that. It is the opposite of what I would expect.
Can you explain why the cush gear drive causes this problem ?

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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby Prosper » Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:17 pm

I have all good internal parts to complet a bottom end of these engines including balancer crank complete set of parts inclunding as well the cases if your interested not sure if you are planning on rebuilding if so I have the parts and will sell as needed for the right price had the same poblem bought the parts but then found and engine comple-- the search for these parts will turn up expensive and few and far between

Ps I will buy the parts bike if you are not going to rebuild
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby samandkimberly » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:21 pm

That cush gear seems to me to be an awful lot like the workings of an impact driver. If those springs aren't strong enough then the acceleration/deceleration of the crankshaft is going to act just like a hammer working against the more smoothly rotating counterbalancer.

I'd love to know why Yamaha puts it in there. It's obviously a lot more expensive than using a solid gear like the slipstream, and Yamaha engineers aren't idiots. Not to say that replacing it isn't a good idea.


hb7 wrote:Thanks for clarifying that. It is the opposite of what I would expect.
Can you explain why the cush gear drive causes this problem ?

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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:38 am

You've got it almost right. Under heavy, fast riding, with lots of shifting you have.
At the extremes of the useful RPM range, idle and just above, the oscillation of the balancer ist very much at odds with the rest of the engine and it slaps back and forth all by itself. That is why it is not possible to set a smooth idle with this engine.

For what it is worth, the similar gear in the Raptor 700 is solid!

may be they did learn something.
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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby hb7 » Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:47 am

2009-2010 700 Raptor US model still shows springs....

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Re: Seized 660cc motor : what happened ?

Postby samandkimberly » Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:19 pm

Odd; according to the parts list at Bike Bandit it *is* solid:

raptor crank.jpg

The gear goes for $63.71, but the mating gear on the balancer has a different #, so no idea whether it could replace the one with the spring.

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