A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby Levi Nash » Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:46 pm

Hi All,

I have recently been looking at the options to change the exhasut on my 2001 baghira. Total cost £115 or $150 for a scopion road legal can that is bloody loud.

I simply bought a round stainless scorpion can off ebay for £55 including delivery and took it to pipecraft in Basildon. Pipecraft charged me £60 to take the stock exhaust off, cut the "y" pipe off the stock can, then custom made a stainless pipe along with 2 brackets to attach to the scorpion can i just bought. Its a clean fit with very neat TIG welds and will last a lifetime. The scorpion can has E4 markings and so is road legal, it also has removable baffles which make a hell of a difference.

I completeley reccomend the guys at pipecraft so if you ever pop by to get you can fitted mention me lol! If someone can tell me how to post images ill put some up for you.

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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby Levi Nash » Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:49 am

Hi Dave,

Heres some pics of my 2001 baghira with the scorpion exhaust.
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby breakwellmz » Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:28 am

Looks good,excellent!£60 to get that work done(Not `Mates rates`?)is a bargain,as was £50 for the endcan(it looks like new!)As you`ve not mentioned it ,i assume you did not change jetting?BIG QUESTION-Does it go any better or feel different?Cheers-Martin.
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby Levi Nash » Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:21 am

Hi Martin,

Nope not mates rates simply called up and booked in one morning then went in and got the work done. Your right havent changed the jetting. It pops a bit on decelleration but not majorly. with the baffles in theres no popping at all.

It definatly has changed the bike. Acceleration is improved, i think partly due to it being a better quality exhaust and also becuase i reckon the bikes
lost a good 10kg by doing it.

Are you thinking about having some work done to your bike like this?

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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby breakwellmz » Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:37 am

Yes Levi i am.Seeing your post might make me get on and do something about it!So many thing to do!
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby Levi Nash » Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:18 pm

Where abouts are you based then Martin?. Im sure there are other places that do custom pipework that can fit you in. Pipecraft where i went specialised in car exhausts and the guy said to me they dont work on bikes often becuase of the complications and tight spaces. However becuase of downturn recently theywere more than happy to it me in at a good price.

What setup would you go for then, a scorpion like mine? I thinkyou would need a setup with removable baffles becuaseon long journeys especially motorways it pisses me off and sticks out like a sore thumb when police are near and lookingh for anything they can to catch people out.

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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:17 am

just for the books.
My SZR is one of the quieter ones at meetings altho I use an absorber can (straight-thru) without a DB eater, a SR-Racing can with E-4 for the XT660R.
I have remained quiet; the BSM is not a good can, regardless of price. Their only would-be advantage, aprt from being light and looking good, is that they have certification for MZ models. Admittedly, this is an advantage in continental Europe. By what means they got certification is anybody's guess. They are too loud brand new with the DB eater installed. I measured one, new out of the box with 106DB. On my own Skorpion. A byproduct of their being light: the damper wool burns out quickly, so that they get louder and louder. You end up removing the end caps and repacking.
beenther-doonit- I've had three BSMs. Also three original L&Ws, a L&W modified by L&W, two BOSs, Two Remuses, the OEM LaFranconi of the SZR and the SR-Racing, All on my three different Skorpions and the Yamaha so all on the same basic engine.
What is important are larger headers. BSM does not and neither does anyine else offer a complete system with headers for the Skorpion. Or the SZR. There some larger headers for the Baggi as has been noted elsewhere here in the forum.
Assuming your shop made larger headers (whcih they apparently did not), the increase you note is easily explained. Otherwise it is wishful thinking.
My own experience with reflector cans(those with internal baffles) has been varied. On the Skorpion it is hard to beat the OEM L&W which is a reflector, a very expensive one into which many hours of dyno testing were invested. It was all of 1hp down on a very good straight-thru BOS (with 108BD): 58 instead of 59. It was 4-5hp down in midrange, tho, where MOT measuring is done and where it is quietest. I was unable to get the jetting right after weeks of testing on my TM42 and a baffled Remus mated to my Remus Cup system so I bought the look-alike straight-thru from them and - voila! - the carb was great with the jetting I started with- at a just tolerable noise level, much louder than the baffled can. I had no such problems with the L$W, either, altho it has baffles because it is designed specifically for the XTZ engine. The baffled Remus simply had way too much backpressure.
In real-world car racing, reflectors are the rule. But they must be calculated to match the system and also the use. Because they have baffles,reflectors, they can be designed, tuned to aid scavenging for a given RPM range. this is not really possible with straight-thrus. Within the design range the backpressure is vey low at the right times. At other RPM it increases markedly. That is why the BOS had so much more ( 45 instead of 40) at 4000: the absorber has less to very little back pressure but also very little to no reflection. The L$W is tuned for 6000 where it creates no practical loss. In fact at that speed it is up on the BSM by 3-4hp!!!
bottom line: don't waste a cent on a BSM. It is cheap crap sold at a premium price. Last week I was truely shocked to hear to hear the present retail price which is higher than the that of my high-end SR Racing.
A good can costs money. It is not just a stainless cylinder with caps. One size fits all stuff like the BSM is just a cylinder with endcaps. Most aftermarket cans are. Not all. As i noted at the top, the purpose designed SR is quiet while being straight-thru and without an eater. Here, too, many hours of testing and experience went into the design specifically for the Yamaha engine and getting it certified. It is conceited to assume one does not have to pay for other peoples work and experience. OTOH, Inferior stuff like the BSM show that it is possible to sell junk at a premium. The only way to avoid this is to learn.
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby cat » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:55 am

Right said. Without getting into specific exhausts and specific bikes, and the various reasons why Akrapovic and others generally cost more...Straight-through mufflers, cylindrical, with riveted end caps...I can get made locally for about a third of the price of a BSM.
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby breakwellmz » Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:55 am

Hi Levi.I live in Bath,Somerset.Thanks for that.Looking at Bill`s post you have obviously been just plain lucky with how yours turned out!
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby handsomejackuk » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:59 pm


love my BSM Vampire, makes a great noise, loads of power, and have the convenience of popping in the DB killer when i want to reduce the noise...

Also nice and high up fitting close to the body, solid constructed end can, not yer typical aluminium end can real well built piece of kit. Glad i went for this, and some of the other end cans look too long and seem to stick up at the wrong angle.

Highly recommend this Exhaust system if you can get it...



just look how tight this is tucked in to the rear fender and correctly proportioned to the rest of the bike...

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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby cat » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:05 am

Yes, true. Most others do not look right. And stainless generally better than Al offroad exhausts. If you look at FMF exhausts...or KTM exhausts after a while, they look shabby. Even hot car exhausts look good even though you can hardly see them.

Is that breather/filter there on the carb?
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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby Levi Nash » Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:53 pm

Hi Guys,

I agrree with the positioning of your silencer. It does look better than mine but then im not dissapointed with how mine has turned out. The exhasut does look more in proportion when im sitting on the bike i have found.

One question for you how did you sort out the tail tidy for your bike. Im after a similar look to that but theres no aftermarket tail tidy for the baghira.

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Re: A cheaper alternative to a full BSM exhuast system

Postby handsomejackuk » Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:57 pm


i just bought a motrax led rear light, and made a bracket to mount it on to the rear mudguard fixers, and wired it into the circuit lighting,

i put some mini indicators under the back, and a number plate, check my photobucket pics iss more cleareer on there...



<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/25719146@N06/2419295296/" title="motrax led brake light by handsomejackuk, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2214/2419295296_3ceaee0197.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="motrax led brake light" /></a>

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