baggy battery dead! need a replacement

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baggy battery dead! need a replacement

Postby krash » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:39 am

Due to a busy work schedule, I have not had the time to pull the battery from my 2001 baggy...
went in to start her, battery is almost dead and she wont start...recomendations? should I just disconnect the battery all together?
She's stored in a garage, no heat and no electricity, so I can't use a battery maintainer/conditioner.


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Re: baggy battery dead! need a replacement

Postby edec » Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:06 pm

You could first try to recharge it overnight then go for an hour ride. I've had luck with this method before.
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Re: baggy battery dead! need a replacement

Postby dave » Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:05 pm

^^^^ wot he said!

If you've not got an alarm to drain it, a decent battery should hold its charge, if fully charged, for a few months.

The Baghira takes a fair bit of turning over though.
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Re: baggy battery dead! need a replacement

Postby Jurrien » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:25 am

dave wrote:a decent battery should hold its charge, if fully charged, for a few months.

Well, that's not true. A lead-acid battery as used in motorcycles loses 20% of its charge a month. An unfortunately, it is harmful for a battery to be charged less than 80%. The battery is getting weaker every time the charge is dropped below 80%. That's why the battery is dead after a long period of non-charging en it is also why you should always charge the battery when the motorcycle is been stored longer than a month.
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Re: baggy battery dead! need a replacement

Postby angustoyou » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:12 pm

In my experience, a fully charged, healthy, lead acid battery doesn't lose 20% of it's charge a month. Not unless something is draining the battery, such as an alarm.

Optimate's and other trickle chargers are a waste of money to me, if you use your bike so seldom that the battery flattens between uses, then remove it and store it indoors. It'll still be fine in 6 months, or at worst need a light trickle charge the night before you use it. It's pointless to pump electricity through it permanently.

Charging it by riding is the best way! :D
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