Skorpion sport guages.

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Skorpion sport guages.

Postby mishko » Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:48 pm

Hello all. Wondering if anyone here tried installing an aftrmarket/from another bike instrument pod on the sport skorpions, tired of the wandering tachometer. Also has anyone tried installing a coolant temp guage instead of the silly little clock?, seems like a good spot for a proper coolant guage, nothing worse than realising an overly hot engine when too late, will have to admit my disdain toward idiot lights here. Any info or pics would be appriciated.
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby basser23 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:01 pm

I currently use a Sigma BC400 speedo,and am building a dash using a newer Tour tachometer that are not supposed to have tach bounce.
there are also digital units from Vapor(trailtech) that have temp inputs. Koso has analog/digital combo units with the temp sensors also.
If you look at there are pics etc.. look at Skorpion out of the box for it.
Your fans should come on well before the temp lamp anyway.....
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:55 am

over here, most who ere afflicted with the big instruments of the older models have changed to something else. None of my own Skorpions retained theirs for very long, the green on never had them.
The later smaller OEM instruments are much better and they are occasionally retrofitted. If you pick them up used, a good deal but you will aslo need a different DENSO box or an Ignitech to make the tach work; last model Skorpions had that other orange-labeled DENSO box.
I have fit their present model electronic speedo to customer's bikes and it very good. Not cheap, it is a classic 80mmØ instrument that can be fit into the instrument holder. The page has a link at the bottom to the matching tach. One customer paired the speedo up with the tach from a Yamaha SR500 which is the same size and mechanical.They ought to be plentiful and relatively cheap and the angle drive from the cam is a plug and play Yamaha part. And of course, the SR500 speedo would fit just as well. While still employing a magneto, I used a mechanical tach (SRX) driven off the cam.
Such a combination will give the owner wanting that classic round look what h is looking for.
Likewise, a stock Yamaha cockpit such as that of the SZR or TZR is pretty much plug and play as well and even offers the thermometer mentioned.

Mechanical speedo connects right up; thermometer needs a different thermosensor but that would be case for any thermometer; tach needs that other DENSO box mentioned above or a Sparker. The dash of my SZR (here) has never caused the slightest trouble; my green Skorpion originally also had this dash. I later fit the speedo to a customer's Tour; the tach was sill in use on my very early version racer.
Both of my street MZs used a DET 100 instrument, the first of which I got 10 years ago (or more). While the instrument is very good, I fear for the health of the company is not as good. I have not been able to a rise out of them at all.

Here on my present Skorpion, along with the Kroeber/Pitsch tach(for decades THE reference racing instrument!) retained from the racer. This year I removed the Kroeber and sold it. the DET shows both rpm and speed and can be switched to show other data such as voltage at the moment or temperature if there is a sensor connected.
A tach is not really necessary for our engine away from a race track.

Several have an Acewell instrument, usually this one:
Quality and service a fine; it is made here in Germany, actually not far off from here.

Some have fit one or the other Koso unit, but I have not heard anything good about them once fit and subjected to the harsch environment of a big single.

Father up the price scale, there are several to chose from:
Motogadget offers several possibilities, none cheap, all extremely good.
Most popular with the single community is the Motoscope classic.
If your not afraid, check out their website to see all the goodies they have, There's some really sexy stuff there. One of my friends has the "M-unit" together with the Motoscope on his SZR. Awesome, it does everything but flush the toilet...

Then there is always the street-going version of the Stack ST700
Just as expensive or nearly so as the Motoscope, not as pretty but perhaps a bit better, Stack has years and years of justly earned reputation.

And of course for anyone wanting a plain and simple top quality tach, there is the Kroeber/Pitsch shown above and above all the Scitscu,
again with decades of racing experience and justly earned reputation with the added advantage of not being all that expensive. There are a number of these fitted to Skorpions and SZRs. You need the one called "code red." Chris Hunsicker had one on his racer which he has since parted with.
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby aah5 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:09 pm

Have fitted a Trailtech Vapor unit to both my Skorpions, has all the functions you require in the one unit. Just make a nice alloy bracket to replace your old one and it sits there nicely. I attached my temp sensor under the oil line banjo on the cylinder head and this shows engine temp not coolant temp which are very different but you can get the fitting to go in the coolant line if thats your preference.
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby mishko » Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:35 pm

Thank you all for your help. Plenty of options to contemplate here. Bill as usual, you've outdone your self, thanks a million.
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby GigaDork » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:56 pm


I am thinking about fitting a Trailtech Vapor to my skorp, and I am having a difficult time finding any useful info about how the different builds differ, which I imagine boils down to sensor types and wire lengths. Any recommendations? I was going to guess KLR or SV...

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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby RiverDrive » Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:04 pm

I have installed a vapor on my skorpion I called trailteck. The guy I spoke to knew the skorpion & just what I needed. I cant remember which bike the kit was marketed for but, if you haven't already, give them a call. The unit is great for the money. the only 2 complaints I have are that the ambient temp readings are constantly 10 dig. higher than the actual temp.(no big deal) & I cant get the tach to work properly in cold weather. (below 50F)
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby GigaDork » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:01 pm

Oh right... ask the manufacturer! So few companies answer tech questions any more, I guess I just left that step out. Thanks for the tip, I always feel better about a company with a living tech dept! I'm a little ?? about the tach failure at low temp, but here in SF I'm rarely under 50F anyhow, so that won't scare me off. The temp offset seems a wee bit odd, but then temp can be pretty subjective, it's really the sensor temp you get, and that depends a lot on where the sensor is and how it's mounted, so some fudge factor is to be expected... as long as it's consistent, I'll bite.

Thanks for the swift reply!
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby Srinath » Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:02 am

I think this is my first post.
So I just picked up a skorpion sport. Its my 43'rd bike and its the first non jap bike I've ever owned. I have done lots of fabricating and modifying, so I am well versed with that aspect.

Its in relatively good condition with the exception of plastic surgery being required right away.
The guages have been mounted on the upper triple clamp and all I can say is, they look ridiculous, now the tour had guages mounted on the triple because if I recall it had a round headlight. I may go that route, but could someone send me a good schematic of how the guages mount on the sport cup.

I am likely to violate every sacred rule by running guages off something else onto the bike I just got, so please someone save this bike from myself.

The tour's guage cluster pic and schematic also could help.

Where do you guys get parts for these bikes ?

Thanks guys.
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Re: Skorpion sport gauges.

Postby Skorpion » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:20 pm

Hi Srinath.

The link below may help,
Possibly the worlds best MZ 4-stroke parts distributor. ... n_Menu.htm
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Re: Skorpion sport guages.

Postby Srinath » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:55 am

I looked @ the schematics, still a bit fuzzy to me.
The sport cup's guages fit to the upper triple with a mounting backet ?
I am just going to fabricate one that would work I think, probably out of lexan. Cos I am sure the grommets I am supposed to have in the plate are awol so I need both the plate and the grommets. Now has anyone put guages off a tour onto a sport ? how do you do that ?
Thanks guys.
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