660 engine shift spline

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660 engine shift spline

Postby droy » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:07 am

Sorry repeated from anothe forum.

Working on one of my many projects to get a tighter shift pattern on my Sports.

Any one out there have an educated guess as to other shift spline linkage that will work on the Skorpion?

Actual MuZ part number is 9013083000 according to Gramams.

My own experements show that a CBR600 will work (a bit long) but the 600 Raptor quad is different. Any other?

Thanks in advance

Doug in New Jersey (not the island but the State!)
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby basser23 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:04 pm

If you are refering to the shift shaft linkage,I am using a direct shifter . The one I'm using has an 11mm spline and was originally made for a smaller bike, it will give a GP pattern though.
I had to use stainless socket head screws locktited to secure the lever(it is adjustable for length)and a spacer for the shift peg,but it works great...no slop at all....

btw how many Skorps are you workin on now?
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:14 am

Many over here ride with a reversed lever.

this is my Yamaha but, no matter, it is the same engine and the self-same lever shown in the next picture.

1994 Skorpion Tour, my "blue"

Using the standard Tour bracket (the Sport brackets are far too far back and clumsy) and pegs from the Replica. The lever is a runofthemill XT lever, the folding nose cut off and a simple turned aluminum nose screwed on. The stock MZ ET175 lever fits particularly well (racer below). The spline of the shaft is pretty standard.
Here is the other side using a Yamaha brake lever on a Replica peg:
brake lever.jpg
Yamaha brake lever

So, you can get a much better, far less clumsy, "hand-forged" looking (like an early John Deere Tractor) brake lever that fits as if made for the bike.

Last version of SOS racer

And this was my racer, here with the lever connected to a speed shifter sensor.

my last Skorpion, the air-cooled version, used a shift linkage because I wanted the complete Gilles AS31GT MZ01 setup for demonstration purposes.The rear sets, which I developed, are available for the Skorpion from Gilles as shown in titanium, gold or black color. The Gilles (here a one-off prototype I made) on the Yamaha does without as can be seen.
It the case of the Gilles, you can chose various ratios for the linkage at both ends ans well as length of lever and whether to use a fixed peg or a "roll peg" as show. Of course you can set 1st gear up or down. There are also tow different foot pegs; these are the new model. This shot of the last air-cooled version shows the old style pegs which I prefer.

I always ride 1st gear up where I have a choice. One should have the presence of mind, tho, to be able to ride either way and on either side, otherwise one is not a safe rider, doing too many things too unconsciously.
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby cabi3 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:47 am

Bill: On the note of XT600 Gear levers (for one up) are all the years of XT the same-ish gear lever, or am i look for a specific cluster of years? like 90s-2000 or something?
going to order one via yamaha dealer....
MZ Skorpion 1994, considering streetfightering it, but for now i am simply enjoying it
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby jimc » Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:22 am

Try 1981 / 1982 XT5550 shifter .
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby texoot » Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:52 am

Yamaha SR500 does also fit.
I made my own by welding a piece of flat stainless steel to the original lever and it works fine.
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby cabi3 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:13 pm

Thanks for the help guys,
having looked into a bit more, and cured myself of being a pleb,
i realized any angled outwards and 12mm spline clamp will do the job, so now its just finding one that doesnt have the hinged nose/crack out the mig welder
MZ Skorpion 1994, considering streetfightering it, but for now i am simply enjoying it
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:15 am


this was one with hinged nose.
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:14 pm

i find the original works ok for me...
but you do need to lube and adjust it regular
its sure is not set and neglect
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby cabi3 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:23 pm

i find it fine,
i would just prefer to have i inverted so that i can shift up nice and swift, to get through those gears even faster.

also without the linkage it looks a bit better by my eye. simpler.
MZ Skorpion 1994, considering streetfightering it, but for now i am simply enjoying it
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Re: 660 engine shift spline

Postby texoot » Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:36 pm

This is how I did it,I like the reversed shift pattern.No boot between the tarmac and shiftpedal when exciting a turn.Rearsets I made myself with non foldable footpegs.
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