Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:15 pm

Here's a picture of the bag with part number and such.

Filter PN.JPG

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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby slammer449 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:49 pm

stock main jet is a 130 in the primary carb----165 in the secondary carb--- pilot is a 48 according to the manual
02 baghira- 74 rd350 piped, ported and podded. .a jetting nightmare
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby harold » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:35 am

Thanks for the picture, that looks just like mine. DUH. Are our carbs Teikei? I have never heard of them before. I have a 42 mm Mikuni HSR that came off my Buell. If I made a 2 into 2 manifold, or found one somewhere, wouldn't it do better- properly jetted of course, than the 2 carbs existing? What is the reason they put 2 carbs on these and Raptors? I know with Raptors, that people convert them to a single Mikuni.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:01 am

The thought of a two into one manifold and single carb would seem to simplify things.
Clearance is an issue.
In another post Bill shows pictures of a cross brace on his skropion that's been removed and the benefits are presented.
I consider of the vertical brace between the Baghiras back bone and the rear shocks upper mount. If it were removed the clearance issues no longer exist, though I believe that this area does need some kind of brace.

Shock mount.JPG

If or when I will have decided more on the "total package" the effort still needs to be thought through.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby harold » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:24 pm

Not trying to re-invent the wheel, do any 5 valve 660 Yamaha's use a single carb? I know they do it with Raptors as a mod, but most just change both carbs. I don't see how a carb that was feeding a 700cc cylinder twice on each power stroke, couldn't do even better feeding a 660 on only once in the same 2 revolutions. My 42mm was jetted for my 88 CI Buell, and made 100 ft/lbs of torque. I replaced it with a 45 when I had the motor built more, so I still have the 42 which was an improvement over the CV type that came stock.
If someone could answer these questions?
1. What is the difference in motor or carbs between a Scorpion and the Baghira? I read about so many models in this forum that I have never heard of, gee I hadn't heard of a Baghira 1 month ago. Which models have the same carbs as the Baghira? Do the Scorpion threads apply to a Baghira?
2. What brand carb was on a 2002 Baghira?
3. What can be done to raise the rev limiter? My Raptor never hit it. This bike seems to be set at least 3,000 RPM less, and taking off in 1st hard you always hit it-way before I expect it.
4. My bike accelerates hard, but doesn't have the "snap" to even stand it up in 1st. All it does is lift the wheel MAYBE a foot. What is keeping it from having the snap of a Raptor if it has the same engine?

I know there are few still on this forum, since few ever bought these bikes. Try looking at one of the Buell forums, and they sold a lot more bikes than MZ. I appreciate any info or search terms that anyone can provide, and I will post my results for others to possibly try. I would think we all bought these bikes because they should have been high performance based on the base engine. A Raptor has an incredible engine; the most powerful I have ever seen stock for 660. It should be relatively cheap to get this motor run like a Raptor, unless of course they changed cams, pistons, and/or compression ratio.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby edec » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:16 pm

Harold, you made some great points, I look forward to see the replies you get. I have a 2001 Baghira and love it.
Ed ; )
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby harold » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:25 am

Well I tore into the bike over the weekend, and couldn't get the carbs off to check the jets. They hit the frame. Things are very tight in there, and I finally gave up and put it back together. My air screw was about 2-1/2 turns out, and I have read that some go with up to 6 turns. I will play around with this for now and see if I can richen it enough to get rid of the popping, and maybe make it start popping wheelies. My old Raptor was a lot easier to work on.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby edec » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:54 am

I like the "wheelie" idea. I find it to be too much effort therefore hardly ever try anymore, though I could use the clutch if I really wanted to.
Good luck, Ed
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby angustoyou » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:16 pm

Since when is an XT660 engine major league powerful? I think of it as a bit of a plodder, that will last for ever. 48 hp for a 660 means less than 73 BHP per litre. That's not exactly powerful.

Why would you expect it to be a wheely monster? There's a bit too much metal there, a long stable swingarm, and a sensible motor. It doesn't add up to one.

Go down the KTM route for a high HP, big single, with the associated servicing and rebuilding.

The alternative is going to cost a lot, and it'll never quite get there for you. Take the Baggy for what it is, and accept that it's not a mental supermoto.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby harold » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:33 pm

I guess I was given some wrong information beforing buying this bike. I was told it had the Raptor motor, not an XT660, which I guess they thought since it is very similar with the 5 valve heads and all. I don't know anyone who has ever heard of the XT, but I will do some searching now. Can you tell me what needs to be changed to get it to Raptor specs, or more importantly;
How to get the carbs off? I couldn't get them to get out of the frame, with both ends out of the boots. I didn't take the cables off, but they didn't seem to be causing the problem, it was more the carbs hitting the frame at the rear, and radiator hose at the front. It looked like removing the hose might help, but I had just changed the fluid and didn't want to get back in there to drain it again.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:55 pm

mine is the 97 660 traveller ..
when i got the bike the air box had been cut in half
and the part that held the battery placed back in the bike

it had aftermarket cone air filters and did not run very good
and not at all in a rain storm as the carbs sucked in lots of water...
where i live a bike that will not run in the rain is useless.

got lucky in the parts box with the bike was the missing half of air box
glued it back together ....

then the FUN had to remove the bolted rear section of the frame
to get the air box/battery box combo back on the bike

what a pain
but now you can ride it rain or shine
but needs more work because its still a gas hog about 100 miles and it out of gas
that almost as bad as a car
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby harold » Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:30 am

After reading some other posts, yesterday I backed the pilot screw out another turn. I saw where some were going as far as 7 turns, with the manual saying 2-1/2. Since as I believe the more turns the richer the low speed mixture I thought it was an easy thing to try. My starting place was 3 turns, and a 4th made it back fire sitting still and reving the engine. However, when I got to around 6 turns it ran much better. It also will wheelie now in 1st, and the popping on deceleration is gone. I know that larger jets, especially the pilot jet would help more, but compared to the hassle of trying to get the carbs off and trying to find jets that don't apparently exist, turning a screw was a slap in the head. I think I will keep it, and build a manifold for my Mikuni someday. For now though I will just ride it.
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby nopantsflyer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:26 pm

manual for the engine and carb is here, i had a lot of carb issues, tore them down 3 times, popping and i also had a stumble at around 3000 rpm. i took the cables and the brass screw on the secondary off, rotate it and then it is still a tight affair, but tight is good sometimes!! :lol: afterwards i discovered that the guy i bought the bike from did not adjust the valves to the correct clearance, after that it ran fine. For the rev limiter, i belief you need a differed cdi, i hit the rev limiter in 1, 2, 3, and 4 gear if i want to, i usually baby my motorcycles. if i can help you any further, let me know!!
PS: some how i am unable to upload the manuals, it is for a yamaha szr 660, same engine and carbs
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby nopantsflyer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:16 pm

pm me and i mail you the manuals
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Re: Just got a 2002 Bagharia

Postby harold » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:14 pm

Thanks for talking with me Michael. My email is harry@jetcompost.com.
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