50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby boilermaker » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:24 pm

Mine has 30,000m on the clock. I take it that the Austin refered to in the ad is in Texas ? Whats all this "eye candy" bollocks?
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby iceman » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:12 pm

boilermaker wrote:John
Mine has 30,000m on the clock. I take it that the Austin refered to in the ad is in Texas ? Whats all this "eye candy" bollocks?

In this economy they get pretty clever with the descriptive words they use to sell anything. :shock:

As great as the 1000 is there are not many that want to take a chance on it when they can choose anything
But then you end up with a bike that everyone else has.
I've never regretted buying my SF.I just came back from a long ride on it and as I was sitting in the top floor of my house it started swaying back and fourth for about 30 seconds.
This was at 2 pm and I went to a news site and sure enough we had an Earthquake !The magnitude was 5.8.
Just very strange as the sun was out and all of a sudden the house starts going from side to side.

I've never felt anything like it.Very unusual for the east coast of the US,never mind way up here by the Canadian border.
Austin Texas is where that bike is located about an hour away from where I bought mine.
Last edited by iceman on Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby boilermaker » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:58 am

Experienced an earthquake in Iran once a few years ago, spent the next few nights sleeping on the (flat) roof. However are you sure that the disturbance was not caused by a banker dropping his wallet/purse?
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby iceman » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:48 pm

Some sort of hurricane warning on for the East Coast and It's real windy right now.
They say this weekend.Times like this I'm glad I'm inland a little.It has to come past New Hampshire and Maine before it gets to me.No doubt lots of rain and wind though.
Last edited by iceman on Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby basser23 » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:40 pm

I'm about 100 miles from the epicenter of that quake yesterday...the noise at my house sounded like a pack of dogs running across the roof..then it was over..weird for sure
went to Dulles Airport in Virginia to pick up some of our european friends in from munich and they were in a holding pattern for about an hour...didnt know that it affected turbulence...actually they had to hold to make sure the
runways werent damaged...my wife thought maybe a tsunami would be next...jeez..yep hurricane irene comin in this weekend,where i am should be in the eye sometime sunday....
wonderful for a ride....havent been on the bike for a month due to work and EXTREME heat...cant wait for September when it turns nice in the DC area....
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby iceman » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:15 pm

I agree,my favorite time of year to ride is September through December.If it gets cold I can put on better gear.(warmer) I can't do anything about 100 degrees.

I came across this on another site as far as the quake ...

BREAKING NEWS: President Obama has just confirmed that the DC
earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known
as "Bush's Fault". Obama also announced that the Secret Service and
Maxine Waters continues an investigation of the quake's suspicious
ties to the Tea Party. Conservatives however have proven that it was
caused by the founding fathers rolling over in their graves.
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby LWS66 » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:57 pm

iceman wrote:
Does anyone have 50,000 miles or KM's on an MZ 1000 ??

John, I'm at about 44,000 miles now. still running strong. Waiting for a reason to pull the head and do some porting/blueprinting, and maybe pull the gearbox and check out things, I sometimes get a false neutral when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (when slowing and downshifting from high rates of speed), might be the the early beginnings of a known problem. And I notice on the MZ Faber site there is mention of a "courtesy repair" of the cam chain tensioner? and something about the oil pump. Might need to look into that further :?:

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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby iceman » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:51 pm

Thanks for pointing out the oil pump and chain tensioner. I haven't been to the Farber site in ages.
The chain tension guide I had heard of and they have all the bolts marked in green so I wonder if the oil pump is a possible loose bolt like the chain guide.I copied it translated.Seems like over there it might have been covered/warrantied by the way it reads.....John

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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby boilermaker » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:39 am

It would be nice to know the torque figures for re-fitting the bolts and also the recommended thread locking fluid. Was that part of your translation?
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby iceman » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:51 am

Unfortunately it wasn't.Just what I posted was what was translated.
Which when I read it it almost sounds like during a certain time this was covered and now It's the owners responsibility.
Makes no difference over here as It's all our responsibility. :shock:

Glad It's reliable and well built.
I just remembered you had that oil pump side (left)off not long ago right ?
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby boilermaker » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:39 pm

Yes I did have that side apart to renew a gear selector return spring. Would have been nice to know about those oil pump casing screws at the time!
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby boilermaker » Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:54 pm

I have just noticed the very neat crankshaft shock absorber locking tool shown in the upper part of the lower picture/photo.
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby cam » Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:02 am

Well guys it seems that i may not have been paranoid with my earlier posts on excessive mechanical noise. I'm waiting for gaskets from Grahams before I delve further but it does seem to make sense. I had just fitted a power commander before reading this thread but I won't know the results before I've looked properly in to this noise issue. May be low pressure from pump leading to loss of hydraulic pressure in cam chain tensioner or loose tensioner blade bolts. Either way not worth risking failure of either component - will let you know when I've opened her up.
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby boilermaker » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:21 pm

How many miles on your machine?
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Re: 50000 km MZ 1000 S :D

Postby cam » Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:16 am

Hi Boilermaker - my machine has had this rattle since 3500miles. its now at 5500 miles getting worse. I know its a low milage machine but I definately have to check out this potential problem. I'm now waiting for a selection of special tools to aid dismantling. Paranoid or not I have always felt that something was amiss and have to investigate. I just can't ignore what I feel to be excessive mechanical noise. I hope I'm wrong but will post results when I've had a good look inside.
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