oil overflows

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oil overflows

Postby chisleu » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:32 am

After riding the bike, I let it idle for 30 seconds and turn it off to let it cool down for 30 seconds, all while keeping it upright. Then I check the oil.

The last 2 times I tried to check the oil, the oil started leaking out of the hole.

Is it just overfull? I didn't expect it to happen the second time. I'm going to ride today and see what happens after unless someone has some input.
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Re: oil overflows

Postby jimc » Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:08 pm

Assuming you're checking at the dipstick /filler location, if it overflows you're 'way over full.
I'd say you need to sniff check for gasoline in the oil - most likely reason for rising level.
If so, drain that oil & refill to proper level.

Check for goobered up float needle leakage. Turn the petcock off when it's parked.
Good Luck,
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Re: oil overflows

Postby chisleu » Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:43 pm

jimc wrote:Assuming you're checking at the dipstick /filler location, if it overflows you're 'way over full.
I'd say you need to sniff check for gasoline in the oil - most likely reason for rising level.
If so, drain that oil & refill to proper level.

Check for goobered up float needle leakage. Turn the petcock off when it's parked.
Good Luck,

I'll check for fuel in the oil, but I just ran through the carbs twice. I was rereading the oil change info and it occurs to me that I didn't warm the bike up before I drained it (although I did crank it and purge the oil filter area of air after I filled it the first time.)

I'm hoping it's just over full. I'm going to try to check the level with the bike cold so I can at least clean it without the pipes being hot.
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Re: oil overflows

Postby iceman » Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:32 pm

You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
John Lennon
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Re: oil overflows

Postby chisleu » Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:26 pm

I believe I am missing one seal from the course oil screw. There is always a drip of oil on that screw.
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