Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby samandkimberly » Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:49 pm

I'm just going by what I've read, but I think it can use the stock pickup and coil on the MZ, possibly even using the right connector to plug in. They offer a quantity price break, though I'd love to figure out a way to buy these at a discount and still give Bill J some sort of compensation for supplying a good working curve for the MZ.

Buying through Bill would make sense, but then us non EU members would have to pay for shipping and VAT, and I'd like to avoid at least one of the two. Then again, ignitech mentions a 25e "Customs declaration" which would be a lot more than VAT. Anyone have any expertise in getting stuff from cz to the US?

I don't *need* one of these but, having 2 different 660s, id like to play with one.

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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:58 pm


Starting at Ignitech's web site I looked around a little and wrote down their email address.
I emailed the company explaining that I had not purchased items from another country before and asked how do I start the process.
They only needed my address and what I wanted to purchase.
I told them that I would like to purchase the SPARKER TCIP4 standard, replacing the Denso 4MY-82305-00 on my 2001 Baghira.
They emailed an invoice, I used paypal and the transactions total was $201.48 shipped.
The "Sparker" with cables and CD arrived in about 2 weeks.

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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby morbidelli17 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:16 am

I am definitely starting to get interested. If it doesn't just plug into where the stock box plugs into, where else would I need to make modifications?
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:27 am

quite simply, it is physically plug and play.
As bought from Ignitech, neither the MZs nor the SZR will run. You have to change the settings.
I will gladly supply the "map" I use and the Sparkers I deliver are definitely plug and play.
The TCIP4 will work with any battery ignition with inductive pickup like the Yamaha engine has. I have also supplied one- and two-channel CDIs from Ignitech for SZR, TDR and Aprilia RS125.
Somehow I thought after so many postings over 3-4 years, I had been sufficiently clear about the TCIP4.
I use and used it in all of my Skorpions and SZR and have delivered over 100 of them in Europe but also the US. and even OZ.
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:32 am

let me add that the majority of users are civilized street riders. They got the TCIP4 because the low and mid range runs much better with almost no chainlash.
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby edfmaniac » Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:14 am

I just purchased one from Bill and live in Texas. It takes a few weeks but it's worth the wait although my particular bike was happier after modeling the bottom portion of the curve closer to the stock box. The mid range and top end are much better and you can rev to the moon. Mine came with the limiter set at 9500 but I changed it to 9000 just to ease my mind. Maybe after the cam, 11:1 Weisco and 686 bore, I'll want that 500 rpms back. :lol:
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby harold » Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:09 am

I bought one from Bill, that he had already programmed the advance curve and rev limit. It comes with an adapter harness with male/female plugs to attach it in place of the stock unit. Then I made a simple strap/bracket from a piece of aluminum sheet metal to bolt it to the existing holes in the frame. Turned the key, hit the starter, and drove off. Pretty much plug and play, with a 10 minute adaption using pliers and a drill.
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby samandkimberly » Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:23 am

Bill - I think you were very clear on what these do; I just wanted to be clear that I was going by what I've read on the forum, not from firsthand experience. I'm certainly interested in trying one out.

All - I just put in a request for a quote on 4 units from Ignitech to ship to the US. I'll post the total cost on getting them here and on to US customers when I have the quote, then we can see who might be interested in buying one of these. I'm not so concerned with the cost of the units themselves, I just want to drive the shipping/duty costs from Europe down.

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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby basser23 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:03 am

Bill will set one up for you I believe....they are progammable and Bill has used them forever it seems....so he will know what will work best.:)
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby basser23 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:00 pm

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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby cat » Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:41 pm

Bill Jurgenson wrote:let me add that the majority of users are civilized street riders. They got the TCIP4 because the low and mid range runs much better with almost no chainlash.

Why is that? Because the spark advance is different, or...?
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby morbidelli17 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:05 pm

Very useful info. OK, so the Ignitech TCIP4 is plug-and-play. Sam, if the settings need to be altered by Bill, why have a stack of them shipped to us in the U.S.? Wouldn't it be smarter to just get them from Bill? And Bill, do you have any immediately available? Lemme know, thanks and take care - M

It seems to me that I have two options (Bill, my friend Cody is an MZ racer you've corresponded with): Stick with the stock/TDM box and limit compression to about 10.5:1, or keep the increased compression from the 11.5:1 piston and go for an aftermarket box. I will spend a little time thinking about this and researching some of Bill's old threads on this; I didn't even know to look for them until this thread and discussion.

Take care - M
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:31 pm

Bill Jurgenson wrote:quite simply, it is physically plug and play.
As bought from Ignitech, neither the MZs nor the SZR will run. You have to change the settings.
I will gladly supply the "map" I use and the Sparkers I deliver are definitely plug and play.
The TCIP4 will work with any battery ignition with inductive pickup like the Yamaha engine has. I have also supplied one- and two-channel CDIs from Ignitech for SZR, TDR and Aprilia RS125.
Somehow I thought after so many postings over 3-4 years, I had been sufficiently clear about the TCIP4.
I use and used it in all of my Skorpions and SZR and have delivered over 100 of them in Europe but also the US. and even OZ.

Bill J,
I can remember you posting the ignition curve ("map") in the past, inclusive of pertanent information with pictures also included. That's why I chose to purchase one of their units.
If I remember, singles racers in the states and over the pond using this Ignitech sparker, were used as an example in the thread.
Thank you,

M, (Morbidelli17)
For the very purpose of finding and posting Bills ignition postings of the past (and maybe saving folks some time) I looked through all of his old postings and didn't see it. I remember this site "going down" in the past thinking that this may be why I didn't find the information that Bill was willing to help folks at this site with that had interest or concerns with the ignition systems discussed.
Don't let this commentary stop you from double checking what I've done,
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:58 pm

edfmaniac wrote:I just purchased one from Bill and live in Texas. It takes a few weeks but it's worth the wait although my particular bike was happier after modeling the bottom portion of the curve closer to the stock box. The mid range and top end are much better and you can rev to the moon. Mine came with the limiter set at 9500 but I changed it to 9000 just to ease my mind. Maybe after the cam, 11:1 Weisco and 686 bore, I'll want that 500 rpms back. :lol:

Well ED, Hit the up button :lol:

[quote="samandkimberly"]I'm just going by what I've read, but I think it can use the stock pickup and coil on the MZ, possibly even using the right connector to plug in. They offer a quantity price break, though I'd love to figure out a way to buy these at a discount and still give Bill J some sort of compensation for supplying a good working curve for the MZ.

With the price of fuel it makes sense to help Bill with the important things in life... track time and research! Everybody wins
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Re: Head Gasket/High Comp Piston

Postby samandkimberly » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:14 pm

This isn't about trying to cut Bill J out of the loop; quite the contrary: I tried to make it clear in my 1st mail that I'd like to figure some way to compensate him for finding the best curve and freely posting the info here. I doubt it will make anyone rich, but he should at least get beer/parts money for his contribution. *IF* we end up getting a batch order together I'd like to have that discussion of what's appropriate with Bill J offline.

This is about avoiding the ~$40 each overseas shipping cost, potential duties, and maybe getting a small discount from the Sparker guys for a batch order. If the overseas costs are similar for a single package, I can split up and put a ignition box in a USPS priority envelope and ship it anywhere in the us for less than 5.00. Let's see what the numbers end up being, but that could be a significant chunk of change that we don't have to give UPS/DHL/whoever.

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