My Baggy is a SOB to start

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My Baggy is a SOB to start

Postby Brian » Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:58 pm

When the bike sits for a couple weeks maybe three it just plain won't start.... so last night I was at the point of hearing the brand new battery goin south on me... I stopped and looked over at my KX500SM and said aloud "even you start easier that this ##@@%%^^&&**%%$$#@@"
at that moment I decided to do what most dirt bikers do (me as well) I leaned my big german beauty over till fuel puked out of the over flow..... tilted back up and hit the starter... Brrrraaaapppp and off she idled :lol:

Someone tell me they have a hard startin bike as well.....I can't be the only one.....does this mean I have to take it out on the street and lean her over to fire it up ???? When I do this to my race bike it will fire first kick..... 8)
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hard start

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:19 pm


you are not alone my RT125 is a beast if it sets for more
than 3 days
i have to pull the air filter and put a tube in through the carb and
inject raw gas into the intake
it will fire up and run real fast for about 20 sec then die
after that it will start ok seems like the carb. looses its prime

so i just start it every day
ar dave
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Postby Brian » Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:10 pm

I guess its easier for you to lay it over............I never had to do this before.....
"Brian" 2003 MZ Baghira
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Postby phlat65 » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:03 pm

you need to ride it every once in a while.... :-D
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Postby Scheffi » Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:00 am

If you close the fuel cock 30 sec. before you turn off, the motor will start all the time. The carb needs fresh petrol for starting the engine. After a while, the "old" petrol in the carb is not explosive enough, although it's just after 3 days.
Mostly that's the only reason, if the motor won't start.
I close my fuel cock at the last cross-road and at home I turn off the engine. So I had never any problems again.
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Postby Brian » Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:32 pm

Scheffi wrote:If you close the fuel cock 30 sec. before you turn off, the motor will start all the time. The carb needs fresh petrol for starting the engine. After a while, the "old" petrol in the carb is not explosive enough, although it's just after 3 days.
Mostly that's the only reason, if the motor won't start.
I close my fuel cock at the last cross-road and at home I turn off the engine. So I had never any problems again.

Thanks !!! That makes sense to me.... when I lean the bike over gas comes out instantly, this tells me that its full of fuel, so what is happening is old crap goes out and replaced with fresh
"Brian" 2003 MZ Baghira
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Postby Scheffi » Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:03 pm

The japanese carburettor has the tendency to lose the explosive parts of the fuel if the bike parks for some days or weeks.. Some Baghis have this problem.. some don't have it.
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Postby m4panther » Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:44 am

turn off the petcock open the drain screw on the shift side drain the bad gas.... after problems for me
If it bleeds for a week and doesnt die....Dont' trust it!
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