Mastiff Vibration is killing me!

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Re: Mastiff Vibration is killing me!

Postby samandkimberly » Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:54 am

Having had surgery on both hands I can attest to the sound advice below, though muscle wasting occurs over years, so you don't need to jump *too* fast. IF someone wants to do surgery on you make sure they have a nerve conduction study done first, and that the results clearly indicate a carpal tunnel issue - the surgery is not always effective and the main reason for that, IMO, is that it's often done after a misdiagnosis.

FWIW, I've had both the "open release", cut-a-big-slash-and-get-directly-to-the-nerves surgery, and the cleaner endoscopic neatly-snip-at-the-tissue from-a-tiny-incision surgery. Surprisingly, I recovered much more quickly from the open release surgery, and I understand that isn't unusual at all. The scar is a little bigger but nothing noticeable.

As far as symptoms, I had gotten to the point where I could not sleep the after a race weekend because my thumb/index/middle finger became numb and tingly. Worse, I often finished races with absolutely no sensation in my hands at all. Street rising, I had to constantly remove my hands from the bars and shake them to keep them from going numb, it really took the fun out of riding. My left hand was a lot worse than the right so I had that one done, then several years later had the right done when it got worse. Recovery was 100% in both cases; I have no problems now.


Baggy_Al wrote:I suffer from loss of feeling, loss of dexterity and pins and needles (but no pain)in the two outer fingers on my right hand, my daughter is a physio and she sent me to the docs, loss of feeling and pins and needle in the thumb and first two fingers is normally carpal tunnel and is generally a wrist problem, the outer two is cubital tunnel syndrome and caused by a problem with the ulna nerve and can affect the neck as well, my problem is in the elbow. I have had checks to determine the speed along the nerves(half what it should be) and waiting to see a specialist next month. They may also check for diabetes, depends on your age and size. You need to get the doc to refer you asap, if muscle wasting occurs it may be permanent. Check out cubital and carpal tunnel on Google and see if symptoms match yours.
I ride a Baghira and a vibey BMW1100s, don`t know if there is a connection!!

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