Hi all, as mentioned elsewhere, my MZ was nicked a few weeks ago, and I've replaced it with a complete shed of an ETZ 250. Bizarrely, it was registered on exactly the same day in 1982 as my old one! Anyway, it's had at least one replacement engine in its 66,000 miles, and has a later generator fitted with the regulator and rectifier built in, and electronic ignition. I read elsewhere on here an allusion to this generator being from a post 1991 ETZ? If this is right, does anyone have a wiring diagram for one of these bikes please? I'm trying to make sense of the of the mouse nest which is the wiring on this bike (literally - they've eaten a load of the insulation too!). It seems quite simple but it would be handy to be able to double check how the generator should be wired.
I think the engine which is now fitted is also one of the later ones, as there is no drive for a rev counter. I've not looked very closely, but I guess I should be able to just pinch the little cover and the crankshaft nut from another engine? I also read in the other thread that something in the electronic rev counter might be needed for the ignition to work, but my engine only had 6 wires connected to it (neutral switch, 2 wires between ignition unit and coil, and 3 wires from the generator), and it ran quite well when I got it!