stupid is to small a word

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stupid is to small a word

Postby jim grace » Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:06 pm

:oops: put new ebc disc pads in rear caliper yesterday= a doddle Had a go at changing the front!!! disaster, i only have use of one hand, so removed calliper and undid one of the pad support pins ,on the second one my hand slipped and i rounded the allan key head so i cannot remove it? can you buy replacement pins from MZ , also is it possible to drill out the damaged one CHEERS JIM. :!:
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Postby phlat65 » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:37 am

you may want to take the good 1 to a MC shop and match up. may be a pretty common pin size.

as far as getting the other 1 out, you should be able to carefully drill off the head of the bolt, then the rest should thread out W/O any problems. you can try an e-z out, but if it breaks, it makes the job 10 times harder.

I have had really good luck welding a bolt that fits into the rounded end to the damaged bolt, then backing out.

also, 1 last one, use an impact style bit driver with the correct size or next size allen socket.
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Postby keithcross » Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:07 am

In the past, when a allen type headed bolt has rounded out, I have managed to use a torx bit with a bit of gentle persusion. You have to prceed with care though as it will need some force to get the torx bit to fit and the bolt is useless afterwards.

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Postby Dezmo » Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:31 am

reverse pitch drill bits are your friend....with a little luck the bit will grab and back the bolt right out for you. I have a set of them that comes with matching sized extractors. As long as the threads arent damaged, you should have no prob getting it out.
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