Downtime from 22JUL13 to 25JUL13

Word from the Administrator

Downtime from 22JUL13 to 25JUL13

Postby borisattva » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:34 pm

As many of you have noticed and communicated to me, the website became inaccessible sometime on the 22nd of July.
I have been working with our web-hosting provider since then, and have only been able to bring the board up a few moments ago.

It seems that the board was slammed with multiple connections, exceeding the generous-enough allowance, and preventing any new sessions.
At this time, the provider is not clear if this was caused by some glitch in the forum software, or externally malicious.

I'm going through all the requests sent to Admin within the past week, with intent to be fully responded to by end of day today.

Sorry for any inconvenience this caused.
Thank you for your presence and contributions to the community.

- Admin
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