My Silver Star Gespann came with the center stand removed, but I have it, and the springs, and of course it looks completely unused. I want to reinstall it, there are a lot of service procedures in which it would be very handy, to say the least!
Does anyone have a parts blowup of this section of the bike, and/or could send pictures of theirs? I'm confident I can figure it out, but a picture would be very helpful and probably save me some frustration/time/admitting that I'm not as clever as I think, and I want to know if I am missing anything and/or have all cotter pins/washers, what have you in the right places.
AND depending on country of origin of responses, I promise to refer to the stand as either "center" or "centre". As someone who is both "merican" and "canajan" I'm always a little torn. If I take this bike up north to visit my Baba (grandma) am I gonna have to tell people it's made by "M ZED"?
Thanks all. I've found good stuff on this site in the few days I've been a member and it's appreciated.
(junkyard of things goes here)