I'm glad it went well.
I have also had a similar experience within the last year with a 1990 ETZ 251.
13 years it has been off the road and discarded. Half of it's life! I had to do exactly the same, but unfortunately the barrel will need a re-hone and the piston will require replacement as I had to batter the hell out of the crown to get it out.
In the mean time I put on a spare 250 barrel piston and head that came off my MZ that I put 300cc on.
The other problem (which still persists) is the extremely rusty internals of the petrol tank which I cleared as best I could and the completely gunked up carburettor. A good cleaning with boiling lemon juice and rubbing of various places got rid of most of the gunk and unsiezed the float. I bought new jets however and it did still take a month or two of fettling to finally flush out the various (thankfully few) internal channels of solid crud. And then finally tune it properly. (I much rather like ths 30n3 carb!)
I bought an Zaplony electronic ignition after a factory original failed on me and a cheap Hungarian varient from MZ-B didn't work at all. That solved the issue of unable to time the bike (you just couldn't adjust the point gap correctly for whatever reason.. even with different rotor, cam lobe, stator etc etc..) During this time I bought and installed a cheapo (that under reads by 0.3v) voltage display so that I could tell what the charging was doing, how and when.
Last was to solve was why the bike kept stalling throughout my time of ownership. This turned out to be a dodgy coil. Now the bike is 2,300 miles in my use, with 1,300 miles of perfect running. First 6 months was hell trying to resolve each problem one by one, but since solving the coil it has been my commutor bike and has proved reliable, smooth and efficient at a constant 65mpg around city riding.
So I'm glad that other people persist in getting a bike that looks well abused and battered into working condition again. Don't get me wrong, this bike is only to get me to work and back on. It has rust everywhere including external bodywork and wheels and frame but the purpose of my pursuit was to get it on the road as cheaply as possible. With mismatched indicators and rear lamp from ETZ250's