According to the 1981 service manual,
The alternator is a 210w.
And although 9ah battery is what it is built for, 5ah also seem to work okay. I had a 5ah in my first one when I got it and there didn't seem to be much of an issue.
It's all good fun isn't it.. Well.. It would be on a bike that self excited
It wouldn't be fun to be stuck in the country in the night time because of a drained battery.
I very rarely get a problem with the charging system of a 12V MZ (not messed around with the 6v ones), and that problems that do occur are due to my user error or just loose wires. I have however stuck voltage displays on my Mz's, the discharge light can be tempermental. For example, if the return wire (blue and green I believe it is) that leads to the alternator is broken, disconnected etc. You won't get any indication of battery discharge. For a while I was getting problems some time back on my 7 mile commute, that the bike would work great to work, even with lights on, and then be jumpy and had lack of power on the afternoon ride home.. Little did I know that the battery was hovering at a pricarious 10v.
Interestingly enough, the battery went so low one time that the main fuse kept blowing. Before I realised it was not charging, that lead me to all sorts of places looking for a solution that would have otherwise been evident.