1985 TS 125 new owner

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1985 TS 125 new owner

Postby Steve Mildenhall » Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:26 am

Just bought a 85 ts125. Absolutely loving it.
It had 24 miles on the clock so got quite a few questions.

what’s the best premix ratios?
Any recommendations for gearbox oil? Currently have 10:40 motor oil in there.
Why does it fade to nothing after a few miles? Seems to be starved of fuel. Restarts ok but still is a bit of a nightmare

Is it the in line filter that is on there?

Any other advice hugely appreciated


Steve Mildenhall
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Re: 1985 TS 125 new owner

Postby Blurredman » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:31 am

Hi, welcome! :) Always did want to know what it is like to live with a ts125.. 8)

what’s the best premix ratios? - Everybody will give you a different answer.. Some say stick to the book of 50:1. I personally use 30:1

Any recommendations for gearbox oil? Currently have 10:40 motor oil in there. - The book says GL 60, but I don't know of the modern equivilent.

Why does it fade to nothing after a few miles? Seems to be starved of fuel. Restarts ok but still is a bit of a nightmare - Could be the float height? Or blocked tap?

Is it the in line filter that is on there? If it is clogged, perhaps..

For information.. I have the TS125 service manual on this link:

ftp://blurredmanswebsite.ddns.net/Vehic ... Manual.pdf
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Re: 1985 TS 125 new owner

Postby Puffs » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:03 am

Blurredman: thank you for all that information you made available on your website! Very helpful!

Premix: on my cast-iron barrelled Jawa I use 1:32, which is a convenient 1/4L oil + 8L fuel. My ETZ mixes with an oil pump, probably at the ratio prescribed for that model, which is 1:50. Yet I believe for the TS they prescribe 1:33, so I'd go for something like that. Most importantly: use branded 2-stroke oil. NOT something like 10W40 engine oil.

Gearbox oil: I guess any gearbox oil would do, and again I wouldn't use engine oil.

Starved of fuel: check the flow from your fuel tap, through any filter you're using. Check for at least a litre, as also the tank vent could be blocked. The bike is 33 years old, there might be rust inside the tank. Clean the carb too.

The question I have: just 24 miles? If that's true, it may have received a new clock.
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