by silver MZ-1000s » Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:02 pm
I do understand and i know that MZ is very unknown to US . But us who used to ride the ETZ 250 / 251 / 150 cc bikes we know them as most relialeble and most desirable bikes in the Warsaw pact countries . If it comes to marketing them outside the eastern europe than maybe you don’t know but they was produced in countries like Brazil , Egypt , Turkey and i bet some other countries that idk , however , after 1989 MZ culd not compete with western technology . And there for MZ 1000 is the last and most technologically advanced MZ out there . I can tell you that maybe 40 percent of mz riders in old Warsaw pact countries ever heard of 1000S . And there is very small procentage of those who are familiar that the bike exist ever seen one . We are lucky here that we can own one . I used to have two , and they only exist in Germany ( 907 registered ) 1157 pcs ever produced all versions . And rest is scatered around the globe . So to finnish , most of the old mz riders dont know this bike exist , there is only one example of 1000sf registered in my old country . MZ did shitty job marketing and pricing this bike , but that is the legacy of old comunist economies , some of them culd not ajust that quick .