I agree. You must stick with manufacture recommended, unless you know best of course
My Honda's original spec was 20w50 in 1978. Which, to be honest- was one of only a handful of oils you could have easily got. Others being SAE30 etc.
Interesting theory about the lower viscosity oil reducing slip. I only use 20w50 because I know it would work.. The engine's on 83k miles now, and at least the last 30k has been on 20w50, in my ownership. Perhaps I should put 10w40 in though? I can't decide.. When the engine is cold- and- I have to bump start it (perhaps the battery is dead), the clutch drags very much so. Infact- The clutch biting point is significantly different cold than warm- The clutch is hard and stiff when cold- light and soft when warm

My Mz's clutch slips a bit mid-rpm full throttle occasions. But.. it is due an oil change- And- seeing as I currently have 20w50 in it. I do have 80/90SAE ready to go.
As for 4t re-use over 2t. Surely 4t oil would have a lot of soot and particules extremely fine in it, perhaps that is why it doesn't split for you. After all- that's what makes it black, surely? Blowby?