Hi Guys,
Just recently there have been various posts about problems with disc brakes, ie, squeeking, overheating or not working as they should so it got me thinking especially as some of you might have read when the front wheel on my Tour 301 was powder coated the co coated the disc mounting area giving me loads of runout on the disc. Now as I said it got me thinking and the following is, when you pull in the lever you push the fluid to the piston in the calliper which in turn pushes the pads onto the disc, ok we all know that's what happens, but the bit I am interested in is what happens next. What stops the brakes from binding on the disc all the time? Most pistons have a fluid seal and a dust seal. Is it when you put lever pressure on the piston the seal drags a bit out of shape and when you relieve pressure it moves back to its natural shape thus releasing itself from pushing the pads, probably aided a bit by the dust seal or is it the small runout on the disc that knocks the pads off or is it a bit of both? Sorry guys, but it was just something that I thought somebody might know the answer too.
Take care All Alan.