Hi Chaps... I have another problem on my ETZ 250 probably because it must have been left outside for at least 20 years...not as the seller said...."recently removed from the shed"
I cannot remove the cylinder barrel. I have soaked the studs in penetrating oil all around their length. I have tapped under the barrel port and carb manifold upwards but the seal against the crankcase mouth remains unbroken. My next move is to try to remove the studs by unscrewing them out (not sure if this is possible either as these might be welded in by corrosion!) I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem or they managed to free it without severe damage being caused. Just knowing that other owners have had this problem makes me feel better..... ...Many thanks...Les
PS will send in some photos soon when I tackle chopping the swinging arm spindle to aid its removal...or should I say: attempted removal....