You have some really good observations and truth is, I have no idea. I agree that it is actually more probable that the bike has more miles on it and that is a new speedo...
But I'll take some more pictures of stuff that speaks to the chance it might actually be correct. Or perhaps maybe they will tell just the opposite. But would be fun to chew on it a bit more with you guys.
More to come one day soon. Too lazy to head down 1 flight of stairs and grab pictures with my phone...

I DO have an update though. Based on what the other fellas suggested around the ignition ideas, I pulled that cover off and advanced the timing about 4 degrees. I think I might have set it wrong way back when I first got the bike running. Now the bike pulls much harder. It still peters out eventually, but I would say I am doing 4-5 mph more in every gear. Feels more "natural" the way it revs out. I'll be more scientific tomorrow and use a timing light and all the goodies to make sure I am in spec. For tonight, I just slid the plate a couple mm to the left. Revs much nicer. Idles way nicer, had to turn that down a good amount.
As far as buy a fast bike, I get your point. I have faster ones and slower ones in my small collection, and to me a big part of the fun is trying to make them "right". If I make them "right" and it is not right for me, then I let them go. If I make them right and they are right for me, they stay. I really like this bike, it has a very stable attitude and even a hard to imagine "torquey" 2 stroke. I am 100% certain that that lower end grunt is to blame for the missing higher end HP due to port mapping but I'm good with that.
Cool that you are all sharing your thoughts and helping problem solve. Sincere thanks for that.
Keep you posted.