Cant really justify 4 bikes Puffs - it woudl be nice to hang onto the ETZ especially after all the time / effort I put into it.
After reading a lot of positive stuff about the Himilayan and ridden one I was sold.
Really liked the way that the suspension soaked up the bumps - UK road surfaces are pretty poor.
It is not a quick bike (ONLY 24bhp) but goes well enough for what I want it for, which is just pottering along minor roads in all winds and weathers and like with the ETZ the odd longer ride.
At £4199 / 4600 e on the road it is a good way to spend some cash !!
I already have an Enfield Bullet which I put a big bore 612cc conversion on and have done a lot of work to - a real wolf in sheeps clothing, pretty quick and fast for a single and great fun.
Take a look at: that's me on the Bullet.
For real lunacy I have my 1974 Kawasaki H2 which still scares the pants off me when I give it a big handful - used ot have a KH 500 - again take a look at: had an MZ Skorp: shall still probably lurk around this site to see if I can contribute anything.