First ride TS250

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First ride TS250

Postby veloce2003 » Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:23 pm

Finally after fixing the oil leak on my four speed TS250 I decided to take it for its first ride. Only travelled a mile or so but that was enough to determine that there is a lot more fettling to do before I take it for a long run.
The clutch take up was not very smooth, the front end felt a bit unstable (need to check wheel bearings and head race adjustment) the front brake was not up to scratch and the footrest bar did not feel correct as if it was bent slightly giving an odd riding position. It takes at least 30 mph before the charge light goes off. Engine was quite rough at low revs but smoothed out nicely with higher revs.

It's definitely not how I remembered my new 1974 TS250 but the poor girl is over 40 year old now. I'll get her sorted over the next few weeks.

BTW does anyone know where I can buy a new rubber clutch cable cover that the clutch cable passes through and then goes over the tube sticking out of the clutch cover? Cheers Michel
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Re: First ride TS250

Postby Blurredman » Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:20 am

Yes- unfortuantely 40 odd years of previous owners, and their own 'fettling', and crashing... can destroy vehicles more than just leaving them alone.

Footpeg is easily bent back. it's just a tube of steel.

I cannot really advise on the any of the other points you have raised. We all know the front brake is poor- Perhaps use chalk and sandpaper and key away at the shoes for 100% shoe contact?

I have not touched the 6v machines so cannot advise you on the charge light- other than perhaps you should fit a temprorary voltage display output so keep you at ease- or un-ease as the case may be.. :lol:
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: First ride TS250

Postby Puffs » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:12 am

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Re: First ride TS250

Postby jam23a30 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:27 am

Michael, keep up the good work.

I recently bought one of the clutch rubbers you are looking for from Phil at the MZShop you should find them on line.

I have a super 5 and the charge light goes out as soon as the revs rise above tick over. There is not that much to go wrong so probably just needs a good coat of TLC as you bring the bike up to your requirements! As a new MZ rider I love the easy style of these bikes and the low speed fun they offer.

I'm sure you will enjoy the journey too

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Re: First ride TS250

Postby veloce2003 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:09 pm

Thanks for all your suggestions and support. I really appreciate it. Looking forward to getting a good few miles on my TS 250. I had a new 4 speed back in the day. I used to travel regularly from Cleethorpes to St Albans and back traveling at a steady 65 mph and it never missed a beat. Cheers Michel
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